

  • 1750 BCE

    End of the baroque period

    End of the baroque period
    For many academics, the end of the Baroque period is established with the death of the composer Johan Sebastian Bach on July 28, 1750. At the end of the Baroque there are several aesthetic trends: the French gallant style from 1730, the development in Italy of the opera buffa, the sonata and the symphony, and the German sentimental style
  • Beginning of the baroque period

    Beginning of the baroque period
    Baroque is a European artistic style developed in the 17th century and in the first half of the 18th century. The Baroque was born in Italy and spread throughout Europe. From Spain and Portugal it also spread to the American colonies.
  • Culture in the baroque period

    Culture in the baroque period
    The baroque culture is typical of European absolutist monarchies and of an estate society where the values ​​of the courtly nobility stand out. Both the king and the aristocracy display the symbols of their power through art, literature, and music
  • Art in the baroque period

    Art in the baroque period
    It is characterized by realism, rich and intense colors, and strong light and shadow, in opposition to Renaissance art. Among the greatest painters of the Baroque are Caravaggio, Rembrandt, Rubens, Velázquez, Poussin and Vermeer.
  • Music in the baroque period

    Music in the baroque period
    The main characteristics of the music of the Baroque era are: The constant presence of counterpoint and the appearance of complex counterpoint. The classification of the counterpoint of the first and second species, and the appearance of the counterpoint of the third and fourth species.
  • Politic in the Baroque period

    Politic in the Baroque period
    The Baroque was a cultural period of the Modern Age that developed between the Renaissance and the Enlightenment in
    Western Europe and in the Latin American colonies. The cradle of the Baroque was Italy with outstanding figures such as
    the architects Bernini and Borromini or the painter Caravaggio. In Spain it coincided with the Golden Age, the moment of
    splendor of art and literature
  • Political events in the Baroque period

    Political events in the Baroque period
    The Thirty Years' War;
    the wars of Louis XIV, which affected the entire European West;
    the three Anglo-Dutch wars;
    the english civil war;
    the Fronde in France;
    the separation of Portugal;
    or the uprising of Catalonia.
    n Spain, the accession to the throne of Felipe IIand the beginning of Spanish hegemony
    In Italy, the meeting of the Council of Trent and the beginning of the Counter-Reformation.
    In Germany, the Peace of Augsburg
    In France, religious peace consolidated by the Edict of Nantes
  • baroque literature

    baroque literature
    t is a European literary style that developed during the 17th century in Spain. It was characterized by ornamentation, puns, the search for emotion and aesthetic pleasure. Unlike the Renaissance, the Baroque is characterized by the idea of ​​disappointment and pessimism. The frequent themes in this literature are life as a struggle, dream or lie and the transience of human events, captured in a sumptuous and ornate style.