Baroque Period 1600-1750

  • Supper at Emmaus

    Supper at Emmaus
    Caravaggio, Supper at Emmaus, 1601, Oil on canvas Depicts the biblical scene when two of Christ’s followers meet the resurrected Christ in Emmaus. Caravaggio’s use of dramatic lighting emphasis the dramatic moment the two men realize Christ has been resurrected.
  • Judith Slaying Holofernes

    Judith Slaying Holofernes
    Gentileschi paints the moment when Judith and her maid beheaded Holofernes. She captures the intensity of the moment without placing the women in a negative light. This painting reflects the women’s truth; they are not evil. They do this as a service to all. Artemisia Gentileschi, Judith Slaying Holofernes, c. 1612-1613, Oil on canvas
  • "In Ecclesiis"

    This song was created between 1600 and the death of Giovanni Gabrieli in 1612. Created during the transition between the Baroque and Renaissance periods, "In Ecclesiis" is one of Giovanni Gabrieli's most praised musical pieces. It showcases the bridge between the two styles as the Last Renaissance period fades into the Early Baroque period.
  • The Four Continents

    The Four Continents
    Peter Paul Rubens, The Four Continents, c.1612–1615, Oil on canvas A female personification of the four known continents during the 1600s; Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. The continents are joined by male personifications of each continent’s major rivers; the Danube, the Ganges, the Nile, and the Río de la Plata
  • The Rape of Proserpina

    The Rape of Proserpina
    Gian Lorenzo Bernini, The Rape of Proserpina, 1621-1622, marble This sculpture depicts the Abduction of Proserpina by Pluto. Bernini uses exquisite detail, such as the pulling of Proserpina’s thigh by Pluto’s hand, to portray the story in a natural form.
  • Apollo and Daphne

    Apollo and Daphne
    Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Apollo and Daphne, 1622–1625, Marble Apollo fawns over Daphne after being struck with an arrow of love by Cupid. Daphne tries to flee as she has been hit with an arrow that repels love by Cupid. Bernini craftsman is shown through his use of detail and portrayal of both young love and the opposition of love.
  • The Night Watch

    The Night Watch
    Rembrandt, The Night Watch, 1642, Oil on canvas Rembrandt’s painting is exquisite at its induction of dramatic light and shadows and its illusion of motion. It portrays actual military personnel, specifically Captain Frans Banninck Cocq and Willem van Ruytenburch, as they begin a Night Watch.
  • Luxembourg Palace

    Luxembourg Palace
    Luxembourg Palace, 1615-1645 Located in Paris, France, the Luxembourg Palace was commissioned by Marie de Medici after the death of her husband Henry IV. Luxembourg Palace is one example of Early Baroque architecture
  • Château de Maisons

    Château de Maisons
    Château de Maisons, 1630 to 1651 The mansion was designed by François Mansart and is regarded as the prime example of High French baroque architecture.
  • Ecstasy of Saint Teresa

    Ecstasy of Saint Teresa
    Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Ecstasy of Saint Teresa,1647–1652, white marble Bernini's sculpture showcases the Baroque style through strong and complex compositions, movement, and emotions. All of these elements allow the sculpture to captivate those who are in its presence.
  • Ballet Royal de la Nuit

    Ballet Royal de la Nuit
    Written by Isaac de Benserade the ballet premiered on February 23rd, 1653. Although the exact plot is not known, the Ballet told a story of four watches; it included characters of gods and goddesses, witches and demonic creatures, and everyday folks such as beggars and shepherds.
  • Las Meninas

    Las Meninas
    Diego Velázquez, Las Meninas, 1656, Oil on canvas The painting depicts Margaret Theresa, the daughter of King Philip IV of Spain, with her servants as her portrait is being painted. V puts the viewer in the position of the King and Queen looking upon the scene. What is interesting about the painting is that Velázquez is seen in the painting wearing a Red Cross. Velázquez creates a striking dynamic between himself, the viewer, and the court.
  • The Milkmaid

    The Milkmaid
    Johannes Vermeer, The Milkmaid, 1657–1658, Oil on canvas Vermeer’s painting The Milkmaid is praised for its attention to detail and its ability to convey the weight of the actions of her mundane task of pouring milk. Instead of depicting the leisure lives of royalty Vermeer instead highlights the work of the average woman.
  • Zenobia e Radamisto

    The Opera premiered 1 June 1665 "Zenobia e Radamisto" is one of many operas which Giovanni Legrenzi worked on during the Baroque Period.
  • Hall of Mirrors

    Hall of Mirrors
    Hall of Mirrors, 1678 to 1684 Located in the Palace of Versailles, Louis XIV ordered the hall's creation to showcase his power and wealth. It is a prime example of Late Baroque art.
  • Parterre of the Orangerie

    Parterre of the Orangerie
    The garden resides at the Palace of Versailles. Showcases the power man believes they have over nature through the use of complex designs
  • Basilica of Saint Mary of Health

    Basilica of Saint Mary of Health
    Basilica of Saint Mary of Health,1631- 1687 Located in Venice, Italy, this Basilica is a Roman Catholic church designed by Baldassare Longhena. The church houses many objects that refer to the Black Death as the church was built after it has struck the city.
  • The Death of Adonis

    The Death of Adonis
    Giuseppe Mazzuoli, The Death of Adonis, abt.1710, white marble This sculpture depicts the death of Adonis, the mortal lover of Aphrodite, when he is out hunting a boar.
  • Commode

    André-Charles Boulle, Commode, 1710-1720
    The piece is made out of walnut wood with a veneered with ebony, marquetry of engraved brass, and tortoiseshell. It has gilt-bronze mounts and verd antique marble upon it.
  • Messiah

    George Frideric Handel’s "Messiah" is a well-regarded oratorio composed in 1741 during the late Baroque Period. An Oratorio is similar to an Opera though the story is strictly performed as a concert piece instead of being a theatrical production. Messiah looked at the life and death of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.