Baroque, 1600 - 1725

  • The Calling of St. Matthew

    The Calling of St. Matthew
    The Calling of Saint Matthew is an oil on canvas painting by Carvaggio. It shows the moment in which Jesus calls on Saint Matthew to be one of his followers. Carvaggio's use of lighting gives a sense of drama along with Matthews facial expressions. This was Carvaggio's first major artwork that would get him recognition.
  • Domine, Quo Vadis?

    Domine, Quo Vadis?
    This is an oil on panel painting by Carracci, Annibale. It is also called, Christ Appearing to Saint Peter on the Appian Way. Saint Peter stands in shock as Jesus appears in front of him after just being crucified. Domine, Quo Vadis? is Peter asking Jesus where he was going.
  • The dead Christ Mourned

    The dead Christ Mourned
    This is another painting by Annibale Carracci. The medium used was oil on canvas. This paining is also known as the lamentation of Christ. It is a very dramatic painting that portrays Jesus laying dead on his mother, the Virgin Mary, after his crucifixion.
  • David with the Head of Goliath

    David with the Head of Goliath
    This is another oil on canvas painting by Carvaggio. Interesting enough, 4 years prior to this painting, Carvaggio had killed Ranuccio Tomassoni. Carvaggio created this painting after escaping from a jail called Knights of Malta.
  • Judith Slaying Holofernes

    Judith Slaying Holofernes
    Judith beheading Holofernes is an oil on canvas painting by Artemisia Gentileschi. It is a painting similar to one that was made by Carvaggio. It shows the moment in which Judith decapitates Holofernes in a very violent way. This is seen in the way the artists paints blood spraying and staining the bed and Judith herself.
  • The Battle of the Amazons

    The Battle of the Amazons
    Painted by Peter Paul. It shows the group of women called the Amazons fighting against Greek Horsemen. They are loosing the battle against them, and it is being shown by the women's bodies laying on the ground in the bottom of the painting while the horsemen are at the top.
  • Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus

    Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus
    Oil on Canvas Painting created by Peter Paul Rubens. This painting shows the twin brothers, Castor and Pollux abducting the daughters of Leucippus. They abducted them because the daughters were betrothed to other people.
  • Education of the Princess

    Education of the Princess
    Another Oil on canvas painting by Peter Paul Rubens. It illustrates, Princess Isabella Clara Eugenia and the wife of the Archduke being educated by a tutor. However, Rubens didn't create the whole painting himself. He had helped by other artists in his workshop.
  • The Martyrdom of Saint Serapion

    The Martyrdom of Saint Serapion
    Oil on canvas. Francisco de Zurbaran. In this painting, he shows the execution of Serapion. Even though it was said that Serapion had a very painful death, Zurbaran decided to show a more calm depiction of his death.
  • Boy with a Basket of Fruit

    Boy with a Basket of Fruit
    Oil on Canvas painting by Baravaggio. In this painting,, Caravaggio paints Mario Minniti. He was a friend of Caravaggio. It is meant to express sensuality.
  • Judgement of Paris

    Judgement of Paris
    Painted by Peter Paul Rubens. Oil on Oak. This is the moment that Paris gives a golden apple to Venus, the one in the middle. Venus had promised to give him the most beautiful woman.
  • The Penitent Magdalen

    The Penitent Magdalen
    Georges de la Tour. Oil on Canvas Painting. This painting emphasizes the emptiness of the world. The candle shows us the how fragile life is while the skull shows us that nothing lives forever.
  • Allegory of War

    Allegory of War
    Oil on copper painting by Jan Brueghel the Younger. This painting shows us the many horrors of war. From the fighting animals and weapons, this shows how violent war can truly be.
  • The Night Watch

    The Night Watch
    Oil on Canvas by Rembrandt van Rijn. This was his most famous painting. His use of lighting puts focus the focus on the main people in the front and highlights their movements and poses.
  • The Abduction of the Sabine Women

    The Abduction of the Sabine Women
    Nicolas Poussin, oil on canvas. To solve the problem of a shortage of women in the roman empire, the romans organized a festival. They abducted Sabine women and drove off. Because of this, The Sabines declared war on the Roman Empire.
  • The Embarkation of the Queen of Sheba

    The Embarkation of the Queen of Sheba
    Oil on canvas painting by Claude Lorrain. Even though we can't see her, it is inferred that the Queen is aboard the ship in the middle of the painting. The use of lighting in this painting gives off a very warm feeling. This is emphasized with the sunset right above the ship illuminating the whole painting.
  • Portrait of Pope Innocent X

    Portrait of Pope Innocent X
    Painting by Diego Velazquez. Oil on canvas. This painting of the Pope was one of his most famous. He was able to gain access to the best art organizations in Rome.
  • Las Meninas

    Las Meninas
    Also known as The Family of King Philip IV. It is a painting by Diego Rodriguez de Silva and Velazquez. It is a portrait of the royal family. We can see the daughter of the king surrounded by servants. Interestingly, Velazquez puts himself in this painting. We can see him on the left hand side holding a paintbrush.
  • Portia Wounding Her Thigh

    Portia Wounding Her Thigh
    Oil on Canvas by Elisabetta Sirani. Portia was the Roman Senator. In this painting we can see her stabbing her thigh, She does this to show how even under torture, she is still very trustworthy and wont tell any secrets.
  • The Return of the Prodigal Son

    The Return of the Prodigal Son
    Painting by Rembrandt. This was one of his final paintings, roughly painted 2 years prior to his death. He shows the moment in which a son has returned home. We can see how the son was in a horrible state by how badly his shoes were and how he was even only wearing one of them. He is on his knees asking his father for forgiveness.