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By yuuhada
  • 1300


    Ballet was performed on the ballroom floor in lines and circles by lots of people.
    The technique at that time involved moving from elegant
    The dancing became more in-
    pose to elegant pose using a
    tricate as time went on. Male
    flat foot.
    "Ballet Masters" were trained as teachers, choreographers and performers
  • 1400


    Influential people tried to learn these intricate court dances as well as they could; it was an elegance that was integral to their social grooming.
  • 1500


    Court dances had a mysterious air about them with
    performers wearing masks and costumes.Women wore heavy wigs and tight and lighter clothing to allow them
    more freedom of movement
  • 1600

    King Louis XIV of France loved to perform ballet. The pinnacle of his dancing was playing Apollo the sun Kin from La ballet de la Unit
  • 1661

    In 1661 King Louis XIV began the first ballet school, Academie Royale de Danse, or The Royal Academy
    of Dance Its' intention was to improve and codif
    ballet and certify ballet teachers.
    Ballet began to move from palace ballrooms to the stages where it became more of a performance than a pastime.
  • 1700

    Female stars of ballet more
    prominent as society cast aside its
    disapproval of temales periorming
    Ballet began to take flight, with jumps and hops and
    airborne twist
  • 1900

    Ballet performances were becoming longer as technical ability improved.
    pointe. (Although, many believe that prominent
    emsio nararmore may nave sean Csneine an
    pointe years prior to this.)
    had adopted pointe work. Subsequently, the
    beauty or their movement meant that women
    had started to steal the spotlight from men!
  • 2000

    A new, lightweight, stretchy material Spandex was invented. Ballerinas had started to wear Lycra Spandex leotards