bailey99's awesome timeline!(<_>)

  • 40,000 BCE


    First aborigines(aboriginals) arrived in australia by boat.they came from newzealand. They formed tribes and lived happily with each other.
  • caption cook arrived in australia

    caption cook arrived in australia
    In 1770 caption james cook arrived in australia from great britain he said the land was empty so he called britain to bring the first fleet.He was going to take the land for britain, so they could make more jails.
  • first fleet arrived

    first fleet arrived
    The first fleet of eleven ships lead by arthur phillip arrived in australia. Aboriginal tried to communicate saying there angry and don’t want them there. They started taking the land.
  • second fleet

    second fleet
    the second fleet had six ships. it started sail on June 29, 1789 and carrying female landed on 3 june 1790.The third Fleet sailed from England on March 27, 1791 and held 3,714 male, and just 25 female convicts.
  • Period: to

    gold rush

    gold rush started, half the men in australia were mining for gold and 80% of police quit their jobs to mine for gold. at 1854 the gold diggers in ballarat, victoria built a stockade on erica diggings.
  • first cricket test match

    first cricket test match
    In----the first test match was played. Australia and England played and Australia won by 45 runs. It was played at the MCG(melbourne cricket ground).
  • exploration team bourke, wills, gray and king

    exploration team bourke, wills, gray and king
    Explorers Bourke, Wills, Grey(animal) and king went off as an exploration team from south Melbourne to the north coast. They successfully made it there but ran out of food and water on the way back. All died but king who was rescued.
  • kelly gang

    kelly gang
    Kelly gang ripped up train tracks in glenrowan. Later a train come full of cops. A gun battle starts. All of Kelly gang died beside from ned kelly who then got hang on 11 november 1880.(don't have exact start date)
  • the country is united

    the country is united
    in 1901 australia unites making the australia we know. the laws are now all the same in all states of australia
  • Period: to

    world war 1

    sadly in 1914 world war one started.many men had to go to war.
  • VFL

    In 1925 the VFL (victorian football league) was invented with 12 teams playing. In 1982 team out of victoria started playing so 8 years later(1990 it was changed to AFL (australian football league).
  • Period: to

    world war 2

    about ... years after WW1(world war 1) world war 2 started. it was about 2 years longer than WW1.
  • olympics hosted in melboure.

    olympics hosted in melboure.
    in 1956 australia hosted the olympics in melboure, it was the first olympics the get hosted in australia. it was called the summer olympics.
  • Period: to

    sydney olympics

    in 2000 the olympics were held in sydney.
  • Ipads are invented

    Ipads are invented
    in 2009 ipads were invented. for severale year inventors couldn't diside what to call it, I tablet, I slate.