Background to World War 1: 1870-1914

  • The Franco-Prussian War Starts.

    The war was between France and Prussia to prevent the unification between Prussia and the Germany speaking countires.
  • Period: to

    Background to First World War

  • The Franco-Prussian War Ends.

    France has lost the war and has lost Alsace and Lorraine to newly unificated Germany.
  • Germany + Austria-Hungary + Italy sign Triple Alliance

    As a counter-weight to France and Russia. The would basically help each other if the other got deaclared/declared war on someone else.
  • Wilhelm II Becomes Kaiser.

    His ambitions for Germany raise tensions between he great powers.
  • The start of the Russo-Japanese War

    The War basically started as a "imperial" wa as both Japan and Russia wanted to expand its empires to the Korean and areas around the Yellow Sea.
  • Entente Cordiale

    France and Britain sign the Entente Cordiale. Also known as Franco-British declaration.
  • The First Moroccan Crisis

    And ended in May 1906. Also known as the Tangier Cirsis. Between France and Germany.
  • The end of the Russo-Japanese War

    Russia loses the war to Japan.
  • United Kingdom launches first Dreadnought

  • The Naval Race Starts

    The Naval Race started between Germany and Britain. A race to see who could build the most dread-noughts.
  • Anglo-Russian Entente

    Britain and Russia form an Allianc.
  • The start of the Bosnian-Crisis

    Austria-Hungary tries to take over Bosnia.
  • The end of the Bosnian-Crisis

    Austria-Hungary successfully takes over Bosnia-Herzegovina. Serbia isn't happy with this as they think Bosnia and Serbia should be united into one big country. Serbia wants Bosnia as it has access to the sea. And to unite all Serb countries into one "Greater Serbia"
  • The second Moroccan crisis

    The apperace of the Panther (A German gunboat) on Agadir (Morrocco).
  • The start of the Balkans Wars

    Serbia is explanding its empire, and defeats the ottoman empire (Turkish) and the Turkey's lose most of there empires in the Balkans.
  • The end of the Balkan Wars

    Turkey almost all of they're empires in the Balkans. Serbia is nearly twice the size (In land) than before.
  • The Naval Race Ends

    The naval race ends. Britain had "won" and had more dread-noughts and a stroger navy than Germany.
  • The Assassination of Arch-Duke France Ferdinad

    Arch-Due France Ferdinad and his wife Sophie is assassinated in Sarajevo by Gavrilo Princip a member of the Black Hand Gang.