
Back to the Future Cambodia Style

  • The win of Independence from France

    Cambodia wins its independence from France.
  • Breaking off ties

    Sihanouk breaks off relations with the US and allows North Vietnamese guerrillas to set up bases in Cambodia.
  • Minister Time

    Prime Minister Lon Nol overthrows Sihanouk in coup.
  • Year ZERO

    Lon Nol is overthrown as the Khmer Rouge led by Pol Pot occupy Phnom Penh.
  • RUN

    The Vietnamese take Phnom Penh. Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge forces flee to the border region with Thailand.
  • Becoming

    Hun Sen becomes prime minister.
  • Backing Away

    Vietnamese troops withdraw. Hun Sen tries to attract foreign investment by abandoning socialism.
  • Surrendering

    The Khmer Rouge surrendered.
  • Replacement

    Hun Sen replaces the prime minister with Ung Huot.
  • Pol Pot dies

    Pol Pot dies in his jungle hangout.
  • Re-elected

    Prime Minister Hun Sen in re-lected.
  • Prison Terms

    Parliament votes to get rid of prison terms for defamation.
  • Sentencing

    Ranariddh is sentenced in absentia to 18 months.
  • Trials

    Khmer Rouge leader Kaing Guek Eav goes on trial for torturing thousands of people.
  • Charging

    Cambodia charges two Thai citizens for spying after the crossed the border.
  • Shot Dead

    Environmental activist Chut Wutty is shot dead in a confrontation with police.
  • Heart Attack

    Norodom Sihanouk dies of a heart attack.
  • Shot

    Kem Ley is shot dead in the capital Phnom Penh.
  • Treason

    Kem Sokha is charged with treason.
  • New Law

    Cambodia releases lese-majeste law making it criminal to insult the King.