Date of Birth
Baby born -
12-15 Months
Physical Area of Development: Crusing-
Child is able to walk upright while holding onto something stable such as furniture, a wall or your hands. This is a pierod between crawling and walking. Cognitive Areas of Development:
Child is able to say simple words such as "mommy" and "daddy" and "no"
Wave Good-bye and understands how to respond to sopken demands -
16-18 months
Physical Areas of Development-
Child is able to fully walk and run
Drink from a cup and eat with and spoon or fork
push pull, throw and pickup objects Cognitive Areas of Developement
Babies are able to name a few objects around the house
ask "why"
and name pictured items by pointing -
19-21 months
Physical Areas of Development;
Child is able to climb and run more freely
Able to bend and pick up small things Cognitive Areas of Development;
Child is able to point to his/her own body parts
Sense of awreness increases -
22-24 months
Physical Areas of Development:
Age where child is potty trained Cognitive Areas of Development:
Child is becomming more aware of their feelings. Different emotions include Jelously, affection and fustration -
24-30 months
Physical Areas of Development:
Child develops moter skills and can ride a tricycle
can eat skillfully with a spoon and a fork
can dress/undress Cognitive Areas of Development:
Child learns how to communicate more effectively
Resopnds to request by adults -
30-36 months
Physical Areas of Development:
Can trun door knob
unskrew a cap
Scribble lines
Advance skills in climbing and riding a bike Cognitive Areas of Development:
Advance Vocabulary
Thinking skills to slove problems
Becomming a logical thinker