First Month
Lifts head for short periods of time.
Moves head from side to side.
Strong grip.
Has Strong reflex movements, such as sucking -
Second Month
Holds head up for short periods.
Tracks objects with eyes.
Makes noises other than crying: "ooh ad ah". -
Third Month
Raises head and chest when put on tummy.
Lifts head up 45 degrees.
Open and shut hands. -
Fourth Month
May push up to her elbows.
Rolls over (usually stomach to back is first).
Sits with support.
Grabs objects and gets them! -
Fifth Month
Pays attention to small objects.
Begins to use hands in a raking fashion to bring toys near.
Begins teething process.
Learns how to grasp objects with fingers. -
Sixth Month
Keeps head level when pulled to sitting position.
Uses hands to "rake" small objects.
Makes some vowel-consonant sounds.
Sits by self with minimal support. -
Seventh Month
Can self-feed some finger foods.
Can support own weight with help of an adult.
Sees in full color.
Turns in the direction of a voice.
Plays peekaboo. -
Eighth Month
Chews on objects.
Reaches for utensils when being fed.
Turns head away when finished eating.
Begins to clap hands.
Sits well without support. -
Ninth Month
Drops objects and then looks for them.
Has learned object permanence.
May try to climb or crawl upstairs.
Becomes interested in grabbing the spoon during feedings. -
Tenth Month
Understands the concept of object permanence.
Gets upset if toy is removed.
Pulls self up to a standing position.
Transfers object from hand to hand.
Stands holding onto someone. -
Eleventh Month
May know how to stand, scout, and cruise
Says "ma-ma" and "da-da" discriminately.
Understands "no".
Claps hands.
Waves bye-bye. -
One Year
Triples birth weight and is 29 to 32 inches long.
Stands without support, for at least a few seconds
Understands simple commands.
Helps you dress them (puts hand into sleeve).
Puts objects into containers and then takes them out.
Voluntarily lets objects go.