Baby's First Year Development

  • 0-1 Month - May lift head briefly

    cuddling, sleeping, feeding, eye contact, may lift head briefly
  • 1 Month - Turn towards sounds

    hearing is fully developed, baby might turn towards familiar sounds such as parents voice, start to notice your face and touch
  • 2 Months - Lifts head when on stomach

    Lifts head almost 45 degrees when lying on stomach, head bobs forward while in the sitting position, grasp reflex decreases, follows dangling objects with eyes
  • 3 Months - Lift head and Chest

    3 Months - Lift head and Chest
    starts to smile, lift head and chest, starts to mimic sounds you make, babbles, open and close hands, shake toys, mini pushups that set stage for rolling over, hand eye coordination is improving, will notice you from across the room
  • 4 Months - Sits with support

    drooling begins, good head control, sits with support, eye-hand coordination begins, makes consonant sounds, laughs
  • 5 Months - Holds head while sitting

    5 Months - Holds head while sitting
    signs of teething begins, holds up head while sitting, plays with toes, smiles at mirror image, can tell family and strangers apart.
  • 6 Months - Holds bottle, turns to see objects

    6 Months - Holds bottle, turns to see objects
    ready to start solid food, fully engaged with world, smiles, laughs, babbles, chewing and biting, holds bottle, adjust body to see an object, recognize parents
  • 7 Months - Roll from tummy to back, sitting without help

    roll over to her tummy and back again, sit without help, support their weight with their legs, responds to name, bangs objects on surfaces, awareness of depth and space begin, has taste preferences
  • 8 Months - Pulls strings to get object, sits well without support

    8 Months - Pulls strings to get object, sits well without support
    sits well without support, able to release objects, pulls string to obtain object, understands the word no, dislikes diaper change and getting dressed
  • 9 Months - Begins crawling, pull from sit to stand

    9 Months - Begins crawling, pull from sit to stand
    responds to simple verbal commands, beings crawling, can pull from sitting position to standing position, comprehends “no no”, increased interest in pleasing parents
  • 10 Months - stomach to sitting positioni, lifts foot to take step, waves bye

    10 Months - stomach to sitting positioni, lifts foot to take step, waves bye
    goes from stomach to sitting position, sits by falling down, recovers balance easily while sitting, lifts one foot to take a step while standing, comprehends “bye bye”, says “mama” or “dada” with meaning, waves bye, repeats actions that attract attention, enjoys being read to and follows pictures in books
  • 11 Months - Rolls ball, manipulates objects

    rolls ball when asked, becomes excited when tasks are mastered, shakes head for “no”, explores objects more thoroughly, able to manipulate objects out of tight fitting area