Month 1
-Turn their heads when you touch their cheeks.
-Cry, scream, gurgle, sneeze, blink, and engage in other natural reflexes.
-Attempt to lift their heads when lying on their stomachs. -
Month 2
-Swipe at dangling objects with their hands.
-Display more controlled movements of their arms and legs.
-Randomly open and shut their hands. -
Month 3
-Pick up a toy or other small object.
-Transfer a toy from one hand to the other
-play with their feet -
Month 4
-Start developing hand-eye coordination.
-Be able to sit straight when propped up.
-Push down their legs when their feet are placed on the floor, or a flat surface. -
Month 5
-Firmly grasp fingers, rattles, and small toys.
-Sit with a minimum amount of support.
-Reach for objects with one, instead of both, hands. -
Month 6
-Be able to support most of their weight on their feet.
-Make “swimming” motions with their limbs when lying on their stomachs.
-Constantly bring objects to their mouths. -
Month 8
-Easily transfer objects from one hand to the other
-Bang objects together
-Try to pick up anything within reach -
Month 9
-Feed themselves with their hands
-Put objects down gently, rather than dropping them on the floor or table
-Pull themselves up to a standing position with the aid of a chair or table -
Month 10
-Sit up by themselves without any assistance
-Eat with a fork or spoon
-Pull themselves up to a standing position with the aid of a chair or table -
Month 7
-Take two or three naps a day, and begin to sleep longer at night.
-Sit up on their own, without having to support themselves with their hands.
-Fully raise their heads and prop up on their elbows when lying on their stomachs.