1st Month
- Turn their heads when their cheek is touched
- Confidently suck from a breast or a bottle
- Reflexively grasp an object or finger that is placed in their hand.
2nd Month
- Gurgles and coos ("ooh" and "ah")
- Smiles in response to being talked to, played with, or smiled at
- Good head control when held in a sitting position
3rd Month
- Raises head and chest when lying on stomach
- Brings hand to mouth
- Grasps and shakes hand toys
4th Month
- Rolls from front to back
- Begins to reach and grasp for objects
- Brings toys to the mouth, often with a two-handed grasp
5th Month
- Sit upright for longer periods of time
- Baby’s grasp is getting stronger
- Starts moving objects from one hand to the other
6th Month
- Sit steadily without help for longer periods.
- Sit and bounce on her bottom.
- Push up from his tummy onto hands and knees, and rock back and forth.
7th Month
- Be strong enough now to hold himself up on his legs while supported
- First tiny tooth buds emerge from the gums
- Ability to hold and drink from a cup
8th Month
- Strong enough to pull themselves up to a standing position while holding onto a chair or sofa
- Start to crawl
- Can spot a toy from across the room
9th Month
- Turn in a circle when sitting
- Twist to pick up objects
- Put objects in and take them out of containers
10th Month
- Sit without help
- Feed themselves finger foods
- Poking things with his or her index finger.
11th Month
- Climbing
- Baby’s hand-eye coordination improves
- Arranging toys by size and color
1st Year
- Says "mama" and "dada"
- Waves goodbye
- Stands alone