1st month
-Notices faces
-Sees bold patterns, especially in black and white
-Moves his head side to side when lying on his stomach -
2nd month
-Starts to smile at people
-Briefly calms herself (may bring her hands to her mouth to self-soothe)
-holds head up -
3rd month
-Starts to have different cries for different needs—hunger, diaper change, pain, etc.
-Opens and shuts his hands
-Enjoys playing with other people (and may cry when the playing stops) -
4th month
Starts to giggle and laugh
Copies facial expressions
Reaches for a toy with one hand
Holds her head steady, unsupported -
5th month
Rolls over from tummy to back
Explores toys by putting them in his mouth
Babbles -
6th month
Starts sitting unaided
Starts to understand simple words
Responds to her name -
7th month
Enjoys dropping things on the floor
Plays simple games like peekaboo
Begins to respond to “no” -
8th month
Develops a pincer grasp (using the thumb and index finger)
Begins crawling
Stands while holding onto something -
9th month
May be wary of strangers and clings to familiar people
Has favorite toys
Makes a lot of different sounds, like “mamamama” and “bababababa” -
10th month
Explores things in different ways, like shaking, banging and throwing
Pulls to stand
Starts cruising (shuffling along while holding onto furniture) -
11th month
Understands object permanence
Makes sounds with changes in tone (sounds more like speech)
Develops separation anxiety -
1 year
Responds to simple spoken requests and directions
Uses basic gestures, like shaking his head “no” or waving “bye-bye”
Says “mama” and “dada” and exclamations like “uh-oh!”