1st month
- kick their arms and legs in a jerky uncoordinated way -wriggle and squirm on your lap or in their crib -be started by any sudden movement or noise
2nd month
-they can lift their head up and move it side to side when the baby is on the stomach
-jerkily move her/his arms
-can move their hand to their mouth -
3rd month
-Takes swipes at dangling objects with hands
-Grasps and shakes hand toys
-Stretches legs out and kicks when lying on stomach or back -
4th month
-sit with arms propped
-reaches for objects
-rolls from front to side -
5th month
- they can sit up straight for a period of time -can start crawling -they start rolling from their backs to their stomachs
6th month
sit and bounce on their bottom
push up from there stomach and rock back and forth
trying to help whenh pulled up to a standing position -
7th month
-Progress from holding things in her palm to using the thumb and first and second fingers.
-Rake at tiny objects with hands.
-Pick up larger objects with fingers. -
8th month
Step sideways while holding on to furniture.
Throw objects.
Point with the index finger. -
9th month
squat while holding on or sit back down
walk around while holding onto the furniture or your hands
Holds bottle and cup -
10th month
Feed himself small pieces of food
Take objects out of containers.
Release objects with no fuss. -
11th month
might even let go of your hands to try out a few tentative steps alone
might walk on his/her alone
stand alone on one leg or on their toes -
12th month
turn on circles while sitting
stand by flexing his knees and pushing off from a squat
crawl very well