Baby boomer (1946-1964)

By smf03
  • Williams tube / Williams-Kilburn tube

    Williams tube / Williams-Kilburn tube
    Researchers at the University of Manchester developed a small-scale machine, called Baby, which would be used to test memory technology called the Williams Tube. It was the first ever random-access digital storage device. Inventor Freddie Williams and Tom Kilburn
  • Direct keyboard Input to Computers

    Direct keyboard Input to Computers
    MIT researchers discovered that an electrically controlled typewriter, called a Flexowriter, could be connected to an MIT computer to work as a keyboard input device. This was the start of the modern keyboard. Inventor Doug Ross.
  • Digital Phone Lines

    Phone companies developed a digital transmission to put more calls on one main line. This was eventually released for commercial use by for customers in 1980s.
  • LISP (List Processing)

    LISP (List Processing)
    LISP is a programming language that used parentheses in lists to process data. This allowed the program to use itself and other programs as data. LISP is still used in AI today. Inventor John McCarthy.

    SABRE is an online transactional system which allowed for companies and travel agents to automate reservations for American Airlines. This is still used for travel and booking flights to this day. Inventor IBM and American Airline CEO C.R. Smith.