Baby kicka kicka

Baby Adventure 2013

  • Jess Discovers She is Pregnant!

    Jess Discovers She is Pregnant!
  • Jess Finally Tells Eric!

    Jess Finally Tells Eric!
    There is a story behind the cheese balls! Whenever we would shop at Sams Club, Jess would longly look at the display of giant cheese balls container. Trying to be healthy, we would never complete the purchace. We decided that when we got pregnant, we woud celebrate with this splurge. After completing a second pregnancy test, just to be sure, Jess ran to Sams and left this surprise on the counter when I got home from work! Truth be told, the cheese balls tasted terrible!
  • Our First Doctor Visit

    Our First Doctor Visit
    After some extensive research, we decided to use the Nurse Midwife program through Prevea at St. Mary's Hospital. Our first appointment was with Abby Maraka.
  • We Tell the Meyer Family

    We Tell the Meyer Family
    At our annual Meyer weekend, we told everyone shortly after Jess got stuck in the elevator. Luckily, she was much more calm than Eric was :)
  • We Tell Noni and Papi

    We Tell Noni and Papi
    They had tears in their eyes when they found out they were having a grandchild!
  • Our First Glimpse of Kicka-Kicka

    Our First Glimpse of Kicka-Kicka
    The first ultrasound took our breaths away. Dispite being very small, the baby was very active, kicking his/her legs a lot! We started refering to 'it' as Kicka-Kicka :)
  • We Tell Everyone at Work

    We Tell Everyone at Work
    We ordered 5 dozen cookies from Uncle Mike's Bakery and brought them to our schools to announce we were having a baby!
  • Our 15 Week Check Up

    Our 15 Week Check Up
    Back to the hospital for a check up on Kicka-Kicka