
  • Qajar Persia

    In 1830s Qajar Persia, Kazim Rashti was the leader of the Shaykhis, a sect of Twelvers.
  • Babism Discovered

    In 1844, Babism was founded by Bab. (Ali Muhammad).
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    Babi Deaths

    About 20,000 Babi's have been killed between 1844 and now. Most accured in the first 20 years of the religions uprising.
  • Bab's Sacrifice

    The Bab, upon hearing of the arrest order, left Bushehr for Shiraz in June 1845 and presented himself to the authorities. Meanwhile the Bab was placed under house arrest at the home of his uncle, and was restricted in his personal activities, until a cholera epidemic broke out in the city in September 1846.
  • Bab's Message

    The Báb's message was disseminated by the Letters of the Living through Iran and southern Iraq.
  • Babi's Split

    This conference was one of the most important events of the Bábí movement when in 1848 its split from Islam and Islamic law was made clear.
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    From October 1848 until May 1849, around 300 Babis (later rising to 600), led by Quddús and Mulla Husayn, defended themselves against the attacks of local villagers and members of the Shah's army under the command of Prince Mahdi Qoli Mirza.
  • Bab's Death

    Bab had a public execution in 1850 for believing in what he believed in. Many of his followers were also exterminated. this was considered one of the bloodiest actions of the Iranian military in the 19th century.
  • Truce

    After being given a truce offer on 17 June 1850, Vahid told his followers to give up their positions, which led to Vahid and the Bábís being killed; the Bábí section of the town was also plundered, and the property of the remaining Bábís seized.
  • Yet Another Massacre

    After Hujjat was killed, and the Bábí numbers being greatly reduced, the Bábís surrendered in January 1851 and were massacred by the army.
  • Revenge

    The governor of the city was murdered by the Babis.
  • Bab's Remains

    His remains were interred in a special tomb, the Shrine of the Bab.