It's A Boy
The Babies Is Born -
13-15 Months
Physical Development : Many stand erect with only slight support -
13-15 months
Cognitive Development : Begins to form concepts -
16-18 Months
Physical Development : Maybe able to walk sideways -
16-18 Months
Cognitive Development : Remebering where objects belong -
19-21 Months
Physical Development : Walks sideways and backwards -
19-21 Months
Cogintive Development ; Looks at books for longer periods of time,studying pictures -
22-24 Months
Physical Development : Bounces and sways in simple daning movement -
22-24 Months
Cognitive Development : Is able to ask for things in simple words -
24-30 Months
Cognitive Development : Become increasingly interested in child's TV shows -
24-30 Months
Physical Development: Climbs on jungle gym with fair amount of ease -
30-36 Months
Cogintive Development : Connects name and uses of objects -
30-36 Months
Physical Development : Enjoys games involving running