Period: Jan 1, 1096 to Jan 1, 1291
Crusades are fought
The pope said go fight on a religious behalf. Popes had started holy wars by the taking of vows and the granting of indulgences to those who participated in the series of crusades. -
Jan 1, 1300
Renaissance Begins
Started humanism, an intellectual Movement during the renaissance focused on the study of worldly subjects, poetry, philosophy, and human potential. Northern renaissance spread through of trade goods, art, literature, and documents traveled north with other goods, and through artists such as Michelangelo, Machevelli, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Raphael. -
Jan 1, 1337
100 Year War
King Edward III of England wins. The french of France fought back in forth with England until the french rallied inspired by Joan of Arc and forced England to pull out of France. -
Jan 1, 1347
Black death begins in Europe
25 million people died. There were three types of the plague but the bubonic was the worst causing large buboles to form on the neck, armpits, and groin. -
Period: Jan 1, 1368 to
Ming Dynasty in China
Emperor Hongwu proclaimed himself emperor in Yingtian in 1368. And then Emperor Chengzu started building the imperial palace from 1406 and then, moved the capital city from Yingtian to Beijing in 1421. -
Period: Jan 1, 1405 to Jan 1, 1433
Voyages of Zheng He
The ships of Zheng's armada were astonishing in capacity of had nine masts on 400-foot-long decks. It is said that between 1405- 1407 they had 317 ships and had acquired 27,870 men. -
Jan 1, 1431
Joan of Arc burned at the stake
Pierre Cauchon declared her guilty on a variety of charges and execution by being burned at the stake. 25 years later Pope Callixtus III pronounced her innocent and proclaimed her a martyr. -
Jan 1, 1453
Ottomans conquer Constantinople
In the early 1400's the Ottomans ruled and controlled most of the Balkan Peninsula. The Ottoman state had becom a European power, they enslaved christian boys from conquered areas. The Constantinople controlled the Bosporus Strait, a major trade used between Asia and Europe. -
Jan 1, 1455
Johannes Gurenberg - Printing Press
The first document printed was the Bible. It translated Latin to vernacular language for people that spread the word about Martin Luther's 95 theses that he nailed to the Catholic Church doors. -
Jan 1, 1492
1st voyages of Columbus
Columbus originally set out to reach Asia by sailing across the Atlantic in 1492. Spanish rulers agreed to pay for a voyage that Coolumbus could sail west around the world from Spain to reach China. -
Jan 1, 1492
Jews, Gypsies, and moors expelled from Spain
In 1492 Spain became unified with the capture of Granada through Catholicism. Catholicism was the only zeal of religion allowed by the church and when Jews continued their Jewish ways they were expelled from Spain. -
Jan 1, 1497
Da Gama lands in India
Vasco da Gama a Portuguese explorer was the first to India by using the Alantic Ocean. Da Gama sailed the Cape of Hope and anchored at Malindi on the east coast of Africa. -
Period: Jan 1, 1500 to
Slave Trade across Atlantic
From the 16th to the 19th centuries a transatlantic slave trade was formed to ship slaves from West and Central Africa to North and South America for auction.Most historians estimate that between 9.4 and some 12 million Africans arrived in the New World during this time period. Even though the actual number of people taken from their homes is estimated at a higher amount. -
Period: Jan 1, 1501 to
Safavid Empire
Abbas reformed the government, strengthened the military, acquired modern gunpowder weapons during the growth of the Empire. After a series of conquests including what is now Iran and part of Iraq but he eventually took the Persian title of Shah and in doing so made Safavid religion Shiism official. -
Jan 1, 1502
Naming of the "New World"
Amerigo Vespucci was an Italian explorer that on his voyage named the "New World" when he was working as a merchant to go to Asia and realized he found new land. A german cartographer designed a new map and named the land he discovered; South America in Vespucci's honor and was the first time the word "America" was used or printed. -
Period: Jan 1, 1503 to Jan 1, 1506
Da Vinci Paints the "Mona Llisa"
Leonardo was a highly versatile genius that was skilled in writing,painting, inventing, and architecture, he was also a mathematician, a musician, and a philospher. Among his many talents he also developed and designed the first machine gun. -
Jan 1, 1508
Michelangelo begins painting the Sistine Chapel
He was forced to paint the Sistine Chapel by Pope Leo X in hopes that he would fail, when in all actuality it turned out to be his greatest work of art ever. At the age of 13 he transitioned from painting to sculpting, eventually amazing Rome with his 13- foot marble statue of David. -
Jan 1, 1517
Martin Luther posts the 95 theses
Martin Luther posted the 95 theses because the church and popes were committing blasphemy by selling indulgences. Luther's original purpose for writing the 95 theses was to have the leaders of the Catholic Church evaluate and make changes to the beliefs with indulgences because only God himself can forgive you for your sins. -
Jan 1, 1519
Magellan starts his "around the world" trip
Ferdinand Magellan's crew was the first to circumnavigate the world. There was only 18 survivors out of the original 250 men that sailed from Spain. -
Jan 1, 1534
Henry VIII founds the Angelican Church
Henry VIII wanted the Catholic Church to anull his marriage and when they denied he decided to leave the church and create his own. He wanted to have a boy child so when the wife would have a girl he would divorce them, after 6 divorces he eventually had a boy but he died at 16. -
Jan 1, 1537
Pizarro invades the Inca Empire
Pizarro Francisco conquered Peru's Inca Empire in the hopes to win wealth after the conquest of the Aztecs 10 years ago. Pizarro took Atahualpa prisoner after he refused to convert to christianity and hand over his empire to Spain. -
Jan 1, 1543
Copernicus publishes heliocentric theory
Copernicus later on in life worked as a doctor but his first loved career choice was always astronomy. Nicolaus Copernicus was the tip of the iceberg in this scientific revolution by questioning the geocentric theory, proving it wrong and discovering the heliocentric theory. -
Period: Jan 1, 1545 to Jan 1, 1563
Council of Trent
All church leaders met with the purpose of defining the Catholic doctrines. Argued the church helped believers achieve salvation by using mystery and magnificent ceremonies to inspire faith. -
Period: Jan 1, 1556 to
Phillip II rules Spain
During the reign of phillip II Spain reached the peak of it's grandeur because of the steady stream of gold and silver from the American colonies. He assembled the Spanish Armada which was made up of about 130 ships and 20,000 soldiers and sailors. -
Jan 1, 1558
Elizabeth I becomes Queen of England
Queen Elizabeth I planned to die without a husband. She had a very close relationship with the parliament and worked ceaselessly with them to fulfill their goals for England. -
Period: to
Age of Enlightenment
The Age of Enlightenment was the time period of different ideas about power and authority that inspired writers and philosophers to question ideas that were previously accepted as absolute truths. When Catherine II became the ruler of Russia in 1762, she drafted a russian Constitution with a code of laws but because they were too liberal they were never put into practice. -
Jamestown, Colony in Virginia, founded
The first english colony of settlers arrived in hopes of discovering silver and gold but in return found unfertile marshy land and impure water. It is also known that they settled on the Powhatan INdians hunting land and soon relations had began between new comers and the Powhatan. -
Louis XIV becomes king of France
King Louis XIV's main focus was fame for himself and glory for France. He was raised and advised from a young age by chief minister Cardinal Mazarin which died when the young king was 18 years old. He declared, "L'état c'est moi," translating to " I am the state." He was implying that the world revovled around him earing him the title " The Sun King". -
Qing Dynasty in China begins
As Ming China weakened Manchu went through beijing and took the capital and then gave it a chinese name -- Qing (Ching). The last Ming emperor king killed himself to avoid capture. -
Thomas Hobbes writes Leviathan
He introduced the Social Contract which stated, " that people in society should give up some freedoms to the government in exchange for peace and safety. Hobbes also strongly believed in having an absolute monarchy, especially when the power is centralized and used to impose law and order. -
Period: to
Oliver Cromwell rules England
England becomes a common wealth by abolishing The House of Lords and outlawed the monarchy. Cromwell aided to limit Spanish activity in the Americas and led military expeditions to Scotland and Ireland. -
Peter I (The Great) becomes Czar
Peter I modernized his country by displaying elements of Western culture in Russia or Westernization. In addition to his political influence he put the church under state control, then disbanded the Streltsy a military corps that wanted to put his sister back on the throne. -
Period: to
Catherine the Great rules Russia
Wanted to make Russia's territory more European. Catherine II seized power after she and the many Russian nobles became angry with his weak and incompetent rule, she was declared czarina of Russia. -
U.S. Constitution is ratified
In 1787 our Founding Fathers convened in Philadelphia to revise the Articles. The Constitution was ratified and went into effect in 1789 after James Madison negotiated the main points. -
French Revolution begins
In the 1780s the french monarchy fueled the anger of the french people as a result fromthe unequal structure of their French government and society. The French government had created a political system called " Old Order" which created three social classes called estates that were ruled over by the King. -
Reign of Terror begins
During the Reign of Terror no class, occupation, or gender was spared of their lives even nuns who refused to close their convents were also sent to the guillotine.Robespierre declared the need to use terror to defend the republic from its many enemies such as the surrounding countries of France. -
Napoleon becomes Emperor
He swiftly rose from a basic general to a brilliant methodical miliitary leader during the French Revolution a optimal opportunity for a rise to power. Soon he'd become a national hero and seize an abundance of political power, and as a result other European nations grew ceaselessly with oppositiion. -
Napoleon defeated @ Waterloo
British troops led by the Duke of Wellington rallied for another showdown with Napoleon as rumors of Napoleon's return spread. Between the French and British armies they both suffered about 50,000 casaulities in men. -
Tokugawa Shogunate ends
In desperate attempt to prevent the daimyo from rebeling by creating two residences. The capital of what used to be Edo ruled by Tokugawa Shoguns is now modern day Tokyo, Japan.