B2 Brock Hartley- Civil War Timeline

  • Abraham Lincoln is elected U.S. President the 1st Time

  • States begin to secede from Union

    South Carolin- Dec. 20 1860
    Mississippi- Jan. 9, 1861
    Florida- Jan 10, 1861
    Alabama- Jan 11, 1861
    Georgia Jan 19, 1861
    Louisiana- Jan 26, 1861
    Texas- Feb. 1, 1861
    Virginia- April 17, 1861
    Arkansas- May 6, 1861
    Tennessee- May 6 1861
    South Carolina- May 20 1861
  • Confederate States of America are formed

    Jefferson Davis is elected president.
  • The attack on Fort Sumter begins

  • The surrender of Fort Sumter to The Conferacy by the Union

  • First Battle of Bull Run or First Manassas

    First Battle of Bull Run or First Manassas
    30,000 inexperienced Union troops attacked a smaller inexperienced Confederate army. The Confederate won the battle.
  • General Ulysses S. Grant gets Union victories at Fort Henery an Fort Donelson in Tennesee

  • Period: to

    General Grant gets Union victories at Ft. Henry and Ft. Donelson

  • Battle of the Ironclads

    Battle of the Ironclads
    The Confederate and Union were fighting in the Atlantic ocean and a ship named the Virginia attacked a group of Union ships off the coast of Virginia.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    As the Union army camped at Pittsburg Landing waiting for additional forces, Confederate leaders decided to strike first. Union forces won the battle.
  • Davud Farragut and the Union Navy capture New Orleans

  • General Robert E. Lee is given command of the Army of Northern Virginia

  • 7 Day Battle begins

    7 Day Battle begins
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    The 7 Days Battle

    There were six battles over the seven days. The confederate won. The commander for the Union was George B. McClellan and the Confederate commander was Gen. Robert E. Lee.
  • The start of The Batlle of Second Bull Run or Second Manassas

    The start of The Batlle of Second Bull Run or Second Manassas
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    The Second Battle of Bull Run or Second Manassas

    It was much bigger in casulties than the first Bull Run battle. The Confederates won.
  • Battle of Anietam

    Battle of Anietam
    Bloodiest one day battle in the war and American history. The Union won the battle
  • Battle of Fredericksburg

    Battle of Fredericksburg
    The Condereates moved their army to Virginia and as the Union army marched to Virginia the Confederates got ready and when the Union attacked the Confederates devastated them and defeated them.
  • President Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation

  • The Union starts the military draft of men into the army

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    Battle of Chancellorsville

    The battle took place in Virginia. The Union commander was Joseph Hooker and the Confederate commander is Robert E. Lee.
  • Confederate General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson dies

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    Battle of Gettysburg

    It was the largets battle in the Civil War. The Union won the battle.
  • The Fall or Capture of Vicksburg

  • Opening of the Confederate Prison Camp Andersonville

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    Battles at the Wilderness or The Wilderness Campaign

    There were high casulties. The battle was incloclusive.
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    Battle at Spotsylvania

    The outcome was incloclusive. This battle was in Virginia.
  • Battle at Cold Harbor

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    Battle at Petersburg

    The Confederate surrenedered at Appomattox Court House.The Union won the battle.
  • President Lincoln is re-elected for his 2nd term as U.S. President

  • Union General William T Sherman burns Atlanta and begins his "March to the Sea"

  • Union General William T Sherman ends his "March to the Sea" at Savannah, Georgia

  • The Confederate capital in Richmond, Virginia is captured by the Union army

  • The Confederacy and Robert E. Lee surrender to Grant at Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia

  • President Lincoln dies, Vice President Andrew Johnson takes over as U.S. President