

  • 1521 BCE

    Aztec civilization end

    Aztec civilization end
    on August 13, 1521, Hernán Cortés and conquistidors over tooke the ruling body of the Aztecs.
  • 1502 BCE

    Montecuhzoma begins to rule

    Montecuhzoma begins to rule
    Montezuma I ruled the Aztecs from 1440 to 1469, he was credited with helping the empire grow until it reached the gulf of mexico,the construnction of the Chapultepec aqueduct was complted under his rule.
  • 1375 BCE

    first Aztec ruler Acamapichtli appointed by Tepenecs

    first Aztec ruler Acamapichtli appointed by Tepenecs
    Acamapichtli became the first ruler of the Aztec empire, he was considered one of the greatest leaders of the empire.
  • 1345 BCE

    Capital city Tenochtitlan founded

    Capital city Tenochtitlan founded
    The Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan was founded in 1325 on an island in the lake that filled the Basin of Mexico.the city was built up on rocks brought in and pilled on stacked that were tied together.many canals through the city was the means of transportation of people and goods.
  • 1248 BCE

    The settlement

    The settlement
    The Mexica people settled near Lake Texcoco, in Chapultepec which is now Mexico City.This is where they began to build their great nation. They were a strong warrior group.
  • 1110 BCE

    The Aztec Empire flourished between c.1345 and 1521CE

    The Aztec Empire flourished between c.1345 and 1521CE
    The Aztec Empire was one of the greatest ruling class of the Mesoamericas. It was made up of many different ethnicity's that spoke a plethora of languages.
  • Period: 1110 BCE to 1525 BCE

    Aztec beginnings

    The Aztec state is actually the most well documented Mesoamerican civilization with sources including archaeology.
  • Period: 1110 BCE to 1248 BCE

    Settling down

    The Mexica explored the area now known as Mexico trying to find a place to inhabit.
  • Dec 24, 1300

    A great warrior class

    A great warrior class
    The Aztec known for its great architecture as seen by the remnants of the temples were also fearless fighters who often sacrificed their enemies to one of the Aztec gods .
  • Dec 24, 1440

    The reign of Montecuhzoma II begins

    The reign of Montecuhzoma II begins
    Montecuhzoma II he was the ninth emperor of The Aztec that ruled very sternly which caused some of people to help Hernan Cortes to over through the kingdom.
  • Dec 24, 1469

    Montecuhzoma I dies

    Montecuhzoma I dies
    When Montezuma died , he was succeeded as emperor by Axayacatl , by the time of his death the empired had grown from Guatamala to the gulf coast.
  • Dec 24, 1519

    the conquest of Hernan Cortez

    the conquest of Hernan Cortez
    Hernán Cortés and his conquistidors traveling from spain came to mexico to obtain new lands for the king after a fierce battles the Aztec people were defeated and Cortes took the lands for the Spanish colonies.