Aztec sunstone

Aztec Life

By nuke765
  • Apr 7, 1325

    Established Land

    Established Land
    The Aztec's were led by their gods to the Valleys of Mexico. Their gods told them to find a eagle perched on a cactus. That would be where their home would be located. It was then that they found the eagle on the cactus which they made their home.
  • Jun 11, 1345

    The Great City Built

    The Great City Built
    It took 20 years of hard work and praying to their gods, but the city of Tetnochtitlan was built. Here was the Center of all Aztec life, The city was split up into 5 disks/ sections (just like they thought the earth was like). In the center was the great temple for sacrificing people to the gods
  • Jul 31, 1502

    A Leader is Chosen

    A Leader is Chosen
    Moctezuma, a Aztec, had been placed as emperor and the leader of the Aztec's. He would have responsibilities such as commanding his armies and would have privilages such as people carrying him through the streets covered in ocelot pelts and a private zoo.
  • Oct 10, 1519

    Leaving to Mexico

    Leaving to Mexico
    Corte's, a wealthy man who decided to go to new lands in serch of gold for spain. The Governor named Velazquez funded his expedition to Mexico to claim the land for the Spanish.
  • Nov 8, 1520

    Arriving in New Land

    Arriving in New Land
    When Cortes landed on the shores of Mexico, the Aztec's waited and observed the newcomers to their land. They then reported back to Moctezuma about what happend. Moctezuma decided to welcome these newcomers to their land. Cortes also burned 9 out of 10 of his ships so his men could not report back to the govenor if Cortes betrayed him.
  • Nov 9, 1520


    When the Spanish arrived in the new lands, they also brought diseases such as smallpox. The Spanish had grown an immunity to the disease but the Aztec's had never encountered this plauge. Because of that, over a quarter of the Aztec's had died from smallpox.
  • Nov 10, 1520

    Field Battles

    Field Battles
    The Spanish had encountered a group of Aztec warriors protecting the city of Tenoctitilan. But the Spanish had better weapons, stragety, horses, and guns. With those items the Spanish easily defeated the Aztec's and continued to Tenoctitilan.
  • Nov 11, 1520

    Teaming up

    Teaming up
    As the Spanish were moving to Tenoctitilan. They encountered other tribes that were conquored by the Aztec's. Making a deal with them, the Spanish ended up having a large army of Spanish and Aztec's to go to attack Tenoctitilan.
  • Nov 12, 1520

    The Battle Of Tetnochitilan

    The Battle Of Tetnochitilan
    The Spanish had reached Tetnochitilan and were greeted by Moctezuma. They welcomed each other friendly but deep down they hated each other. Then the Spanish captured Moctezuma and took him hostage, The Spanish killed Moctezuma and then the Aztec's succesfully got the Spanish out of Mexico.
  • Apr 10, 1521


    The Spanish came back and defeated the Aztec's. The Aztec's were weakend because of the Smallpox epidemic, the emperor Moctezuma dead, and lost of dead warriors from the first battle. The Spanish established the country of Mexico for the Spanish.