Feb 1, 1519
Cortes sails for Mexico to Cuba
This was important because it showed Cortes
determination to explore Mexico -
Jun 1, 1519
Tlaxalacans form alliance with the Spanish
Spanish & Tlaxcalans agreed to form an alliance to defeat the Aztecs -
Jun 14, 1519
Tlaxcalans attack the Spanish
Tlaxcalans and Aztecs were always enemies but had never been conquered by them. When the Tlaxcalans attacked, Cortes held them off with guns and steel armour. -
Aug 2, 1519
Moctezuma and Cortes meet
Moctezuma sent gifts of jewls and fine featherworks , hoping that would make him want to leave. Aztecs thought Cortes was Quetzalcoatl (there was an omen saying he woould come). Moectezuma wanted to make sure he was actually there god so he sent food that contained human blood , as Cortes refused it. -
Dec 14, 1519
The Spanish massacre thousands of Aztecs while preparing for their religious festival
Corted received a message saying Velazquez the Spanish govenor was coming to arrest him for disobeying his orders. cortes left to stop them and left Alvarado in charge. As the Aztecs began preparations for the festival to honor Huitzilapothli , Alvardo and his men surrounded the gathering(temple). There was no more peaceful agreements , as half of the Aztec priests and nobles had been killed. -
Jan 29, 1520
Spanish retreat after the Aztecs gather arms
When the gathering of the Aztecs to honour Huitzilpotchli , the Spanish attack and kill Axtec priests and many nobles -
Jun 18, 1520
The Spanish attempt to escape from Techtitlan but are stopped by Aztecs (noche triste)
Cortes demandedhe speak to his men to let the Spanish go. The Spanish tried making an escape at night but the Aztecs busted them and attacked. 700 Spanish were killd & 2000-3000 Tlacalans. -
Jun 25, 1520
Moctezuma dies
Jan 2, 1521
Aztecs begin to die from Smallpox
Aztecs started to die from European diseases (smallpox) which the Spanish brought in -
Mar 15, 1521
Spanish form a second attack on the weakened Aztecs
Cortes gained members from other city states , but the Aztecs had no allies to support them in the battle and to boot most of their population had died from European diseases (smallpox) -
Aug 13, 1521
Last group of Aztecs surrendered
There was no more Aztec empire. Seige ended after 75 days. The Spanish ripped down temples , palaces and homes , set houses on fire so there was no where for anyone to hide. They filled causeways with rubble so no one could escape by boat. -
Apr 29, 1522
Cortes became govenor and captain general of New Spain
Cortes takes Moctezuma hostage
Corted knew he couldnt conquer the Aztecs with only 500 men. So he found other strategies :
-knew that many city-states disliked being dominated by the Aztecs and wanted independence from them.
-used political rivalries with the Aztec empire to his advantage