

By YegorM
  • Apr 10, 1175

    The Start

    The Start
    The Aztec god Huitzilopochtli told his people where they would find their new home. He told them to look for an eagle perching on a cactus.
  • Apr 10, 1325

    New Home

    New Home
    After 150 years the Aztec people found their new home! They named it Tenochtitlan. They thought it was the centre of the universe.
  • Apr 10, 1518

    Spanish domination

    Spanish domination
    The Spanish people sail to the new world because they were running out on natural resourses.
  • Apr 10, 1525

    Greatest city the world has ever seen

    Greatest city the world has ever seen
    After 200 years the Aztec people made Tenochtitlan the greatest city the world has ever seen. It had causeways and chinampas wich made living a lot easier. Its ruler/emperor was Moctezuma a great powerful leader. The Aztec believed that the empepor had to be a great leader and speaker.
  • Apr 11, 1525

    Spanish encounter

    Spanish encounter
    The Spanish befrend and dominate tribes. Then they heard about a very powerful tribe that they could dominate. Their Leader Cortes was a young and adventures man. He was a very smart leader. So under his command the Spanish went on to attack the Aztec tribe.
  • Apr 10, 1526


    If the Aztec conqured another tribe they didn't kill the people but brought them in as slaves that would be used for human sacrifise. The more slaves an Aztec warrior captured the better costume he wore. The conqured tribes would also have to give tribute to the Aztecs. They are valuble gifts and taxes.
  • Jun 15, 1526

    A deadly meeting

    A deadly meeting
    Hernan Cortes and Moctezuma meet at a bridge. Moctezuma allows Cortes to come into the city since the Aztecs think that the Spanish are the gods of war.
  • Apr 17, 1527

    Clever Capture

    Clever Capture
    The Spanish capture Moctezuma and use him as a mouthpiece. The Aztec people start a revolt. They kill their leader and attack the Spanish.
  • Apr 23, 1528

    Spanish Domination

    Spanish Domination
    The small pox epidemic killed 90% of the Aztcec people. Since then the Spanish had a very good advantage of defeating the Aztec ampire.
  • Apr 20, 1530

    Spanish assimilation

    Spanish assimilation
    Spanish dominated the Aztec and put them at the bottom of the hierarchy. Their temples were destroyed and the Aztecs were assimilated.