Aztec Aulture

  • May 2, 1110

    Mexica traveling

    The Mexica travel from their northern homeland of Aztlan.  These early dates, and the existence and location of Aztlan are hotly debated.
  • May 2, 1299

    Mexcia Settling

    Mexica settle in Tizapan, by permission of the Culhuacan ruler Cocoxtli.
  • May 2, 1325


    Tenochtitlán is settled by the Mexica
  • May 2, 1376

    First King

    The first king of Tenochtitlán, Acamapichitli, rules
  • May 2, 1390

    Templo Mayor

    Templo Mayor
    Original construction of Templo Mayor beings in Tenochtitlán
  • May 2, 1395

    2nd King

    The second king of Tenochtitlán, Huitzilihuitzli, rules.  An alliance with the Tepaneca is created.
  • May 2, 1417

    3rd King

    The third king, Chimalpopoca, has his relatively short reign.  He is assasinated by the Tepaneca in 1427.
  • May 2, 1487

    Templo Mayor 6th version

    Dedication of Great Temple (Templo Mayor) at Tenochtitlán.  This was the 6th version of the temple.
  • May 2, 1492

    Christopher Columbus's landing

    Christopher Columbus's landing
    Christopher Columbus's landing at Santa Domingo
  • Mar 4, 1519

    Landing of Hernan Cortes

    Landing of Hernan Cortes
    Landing of Hernan Cortes on the Yucatan penninsula
  • Nov 8, 1519

    Cortes arrives

    Cortes arrives in Tenochtitlán
  • May 2, 1520

    Cortes and The Sad Night

    Cortes allies with Tlaxcala, enemies of the Aztec, assault on the empire begins.  On the 1st of July, the Spanish forces were driven back.  The Spanish and their native allies suffered heavy losses.  (This is known as la Noche Triste - The Sad Night)
  • Aug 13, 1521

    The Fall

    Fall of Tenochtitlán.  Cuauhetemoc surrenders to Cortes, destruction of the city