Jan 1, 1325
Creation of Tenochtitlan
Tenochtitlan was created on a small island on the west side of Lake Texcoco, and eventually became a large artificial island. It was created there because they had a vision to found the city where they saw an eagle on a cactus, holding a snake (the image is on the present-day Mexican flag. -
Jan 1, 1376
King Acamapichtli elected
In 1376, their first tlatoani (or king) was elected, following customs that they learned from the Culhuacan -
Period: Jan 1, 1376 to Dec 31, 1395
Rule of Acamapichitli
Acamapichitli, the first king of Tenochtitlan, rules. He was the founder of the Aztec imperial dynasty. -
Period: Jan 1, 1376 to Dec 31, 1427
The Mexica were a tributary to Azcapotzalco during this time. The Aztec rulers were vassals fo Tezozomoc (the Tepanec ruler of Azcapotzalco) -
Period: Mar 13, 1428 to Aug 13, 1521
Aztec Triple Alliance/ Aztec Empire
This began as an alliance of three city-states in the Valley of Mexico --Tenochtitlan, Texcoco, and Tlacopan. They ruled the area in and around the Valley of Mexico until their defeat by Hernan Cortes. It was mostly controlled by Tenochtitlan, and waged several wars of conquest. The conquered peoples generally paid tribute to the three city-states, usually in the form of agricultural goods. -
Period: Jan 1, 1452 to Dec 31, 1454
A prolonged famine in Tenochtitlan, partly caused by severe flooding in 1452 -
Period: Jan 1, 1502 to Dec 31, 1520
Rule of Montezuma II
Rule of Montezuma II, the most famous of the Aztec kings and the ninth ruler of Tenochtitlan -
Mar 4, 1519
Hernan Cortes' arrival
Hernan Cortes and his spaniards landed on the Yucatan penninsula. -
Nov 8, 1519
Cortes' arrival to Tenochtitlan
Hernan Cortes' arrival to Tenochtitlan was thought to be the return of Quezalcoatl to overthrow Huitzilopochtli. He and his spaniards were seen as gods and were treated as such. -
Aug 13, 1521
Fall of Tenochtitlan
Cuauhetemoc, the eleventh and last king of Tenochtitlan, surrendered to Cortes, who then destroyed the city, building Mexico City (capital of New Spain) on its ruins