
Aztec Civilization

  • 1110

    The Aztecs begin to roam present day Mexico

    The Aztecs begin to roam present day Mexico
    They leave Aztlan and try to find new land in Mexico.
  • 1248

    Settle in Chapultepec near Lake Texcoco

    Settle in Chapultepec near Lake Texcoco
    They left here because they were expelled by the Tepanecs.
  • 1299

    The Aztecs settle in Tizapan

    The Aztecs settle in Tizapan
    The moved here with the permission of the Culhuacan ruler Cocoxtli.
  • 1325

    The Aztecs settle in Tenochtitlán

    The Aztecs settle in Tenochtitlán
    Mexica settled in Tenochtitlán.
  • 1350

    Start building causeways with canals

    Start building causeways with canals
    They started to build these causeways to improve their new city.
  • Period: 1376 to 1395

    The First King

    Acamapichitli was the first king of Tenochtitlán, he started construction of Templo Mayor.
  • 1390

    Templo Mayor construction begins

    Templo Mayor construction begins
    This was the original building and construction
  • Period: 1395 to 1417

    The Second King

    Huitzilihuitzli was the second king, he created an alliance with Tepaneca.
  • Period: 1417 to 1427

    The Third King

    Chimalpopoca was the third king, he was assassinated by the Tepaneca.
  • Period: 1427 to 1440

    The Fourth King

    Itzcoatl was the fourth king.
  • 1431

    Triple Alliance-Mexica-Acolhua-Tempaneca

    Triple Alliance-Mexica-Acolhua-Tempaneca
    In 1431 Mexica, the Acolhua in the city Texcoco, and the Tempaneca of Tlacopan made a triple alliance, these cites were the start to the foundation of the Empiretr
  • Period: 1440 to 1469

    The Fifth King

    Moctezuma I or Montezuma I was the fifth king
  • 1452

    Famine and flood damage in Tenochtitlán

    Famine and flood damage in Tenochtitlán
    Tenochtitlán was severely affected by flood damage and later famine.
  • Period: 1469 to 1481

    The Sixth King

    Azayactl was the sixth king.
  • Period: 1481 to 1486

    The Seventh King

    Tizoc was the seventh king.
  • Period: 1486 to 1502

    The Eighth King

    Ahuitzotl was the eight king. The sixth and most famous version of Templo Mayorwas made while he was reigning.
  • Period: 1502 to 1519

    The Ninth King

    Moctezuma II or Montezuma II was the ninth king, he was the most famous king.
  • 1517

    A comet is spotted which means doom appears

    A comet is spotted which means doom appears
    In Aztec religion, if a comet is seen, this means impending doom.
  • Period: 1519 to 1520

    The Tenth king

    Cuitláhuac was the tenth king, he died from smallpox.
  • 1520

    Cortes allies with the Aztec enimie

    Cortes allies with the Aztec enimie
    Cortes arrives in Tenochtitlán and allies with Tlaxcala, Aztec enemy, war and conquest then begin.
  • Period: 1520 to 1525

    The Eleventh King

    Cuauhtemoc was the eleventh king, he was the king who surrendered to Cortes. He was hung by the Spainards.
  • Aug 13, 1521

    Surrender, fall of Tenochtitlán

    Surrender, fall of Tenochtitlán
    Cortes destructs tenochtitlán and Aztecs can't fight anymore, they surrender.
  • 1522

    Spanish rebuilds city as Mexico City

    Spanish rebuilds city as Mexico City
    After Spanish conquer, the Spanish rebuild the city, now as Mexico City, capital of Spain.