
  • May 13, 1325

    Aztecs arive in valley of mexico

  • Dec 17, 1325

    tenochtitlan is established

  • Apr 17, 1492

    king ferdinand and queen isabella treaty of capture granada tortestilla

  • Apr 17, 1494

    treaty of tortesillas

  • Jun 22, 1502

    Moctezuma becomes leader of the Aztecs

  • Jul 13, 1519

    Cortes arives in mexico

  • Aug 28, 1520

    moctezuma killed, spanish driven out of Tenochtitlan smallpoxs outbreak among Aztecs

  • Apr 9, 1521

    Spanish defeat Aztecs

  • Apr 17, 1531

    inca empire invaded pizarro

  • Mexico gains independance from spain