Apr 1, 1168
Aztecs are commanded by a god to leave their home.
Period: Apr 1, 1168 to Apr 1, 1502
Aztec Empire
This is the "Age of the Aztec World and Empire." This timespan has events that happened throughout the Aztec empire- building and cretaing a stornger Aztec worldview. -
Apr 1, 1325
Aztec people arrive in the Valley of Mexico, after traveling for more than 150 years. they were told by a god to keep traveling until they aproached a eagle sitting on a cactus.
Apr 1, 1345
Tenochtitlan was established, which became the greatest city ever known to the world.
Period: Apr 1, 1492 to
Imperialist Spain
This timespan contains Events that happened during The Aztec Empirea and Fall of the Aztecs. But this happened in Spain/Europe. -
Apr 11, 1492
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella capture Granada.
Apr 1, 1494
The Treaty of Tortesillas
A pope proposed a treaty between the Portuguese and Spanish in secret. Spain would have all the land running west from a line running north and south. -
Apr 1, 1502
Moctezuma becomes the leader of the Aztecs.
Apr 1, 1503
Spain begins exporting gold and silver from the Americas.
Apr 1, 1519
Hernan Cortes arrives in Mexico. Hernan Cortes meets Moctezuma and is invited into Tenochtitlan. His plot to overtake the wealth and Aztec people works.
Period: Apr 1, 1519 to Apr 1, 1521
The Fall of the Aztecs.
This was the when the Spanish overcame the Aztecs for good. The Atecs were defeated. Those who survived the attack became slaves and were shipped over to Europe. The leader- Moctezuma- was killed by his people's betrayal and Hernan Cortes became the new leader of the Aztecs. -
Apr 1, 1520
Cortes captures Moctezuma and threatens to kill him if the Aztec people do not Cortès. the Aztec people throw rocks and kill Moctezuma because of his poor ruling. The Spanish are driven out of Tenochtitlan, and smallpox are a major deafeat for the Aztecs.
Apr 1, 1531
Inca Empire invaded by Pizarro.
Nine tenths of the original population of the Americs is wiped out.
Mexico gains independence from Spain.