Aug 31, 1450
date of henery the navgerter
herny tyhe navgerter wanted to find a route to get around the world to get to mthe scipe inland,. -
Aug 3, 1492
cirdefor clibies
he persade the knig and quen to pay for his expositin to amirca -
Sep 2, 1497
john cabot
he was sent on a vogye to the west bye the king -
Jan 1, 1498
vasco da Gama date
he founed at route like what he was looking for -
Sep 3, 1508
juan ponce de leon
he exploed the new land for a year -
Sep 3, 1520
lucas vazquez ayllon
he had his eyes on the main laned north of florida -
Sep 3, 1524
givanni da verrazon
he was sent to find to tho the outher banks and there were no more voges because they were in war -
Sep 3, 1539
hrernado de soto
he traled thouge the moutains to try to find gold and silver -
Sep 3, 1562
jean ribatult
frace seant a colny uder his comand -
Sep 3, 1564
rene de laudonniere
he setteld at fort carlion north florad cost -
Sep 3, 1565
pero menendez de aviles
freanch fort semed a direct threat they sent troops under his comaned -
Sep 3, 1566
pedor de coronas
he was the leader of a expedtion for mareing land. -
Sep 3, 1568
hernando boyans
he lead a small group of men to the south carlion coast