From Birth to 3 Months
Use rooting, sucking, and grasping reflexes
Slightly raise the head when lying on the stomach
Hold head up for a few seconds with support -
Period: to
Average Physical Development Milestones
From 1 to 2 Years
Pick things up while standing up
Walk backwards
Walk up and down stair without assistance -
From 2 to 3 Years
Run in a forward direction
Jump in one place
Kick a ball
Stand on one foot
Turn pages of a book
Draw a circle
Hold a crayon between the thumb and fingers -
From 3 to 4 Years
Ride a tricycle
Go down a slide without help
Throw and catch a ball
Pull and steer toys
Walk in a straight line
Build a tall towers with toy blocks
Manipulate clay into shapes -
From 4 to 5 Years
Jump on one foot
Walk backwards
Do somersaults
Cut paper with safety scissors
Print some letters
Copy shapes including squares and crosses -
From 5 to 6 Years
Enjoys many activities and stays busy
Likes to paint and draw
May lose first tooth
Vision is as sharp as an adult's vision
Practices skills in order to become better
Jumps rope
Rides a bike -
From 7 to 8 Years
More graceful with movements and abilities
Jumps, skips, and chases
Dresses and grooms self completely
Can use tools (i.e., hammer, screwdriver) -
From 9-10 Years
Remainder of adult teeth will develop
Likes to sew and paint