Avatar the Last Airbender The Movie Timeline

  • Saka and Katara Find Aung

    Saka and Katara Find Aung
    Saka and Katara were on a journy on a boat when they get into a fight. This fight leads to katara getting mad and making strong waterbending force. This force hits and iceberg and the iceberg held Aung inside. Saka and Katara go over to the iceberg and unmelt it. This leads to the awakening of 12 year old Aung, who was stuck in the iceberg for 100 years.
  • Saka and Katara Join Aung on An Adventure

    Saka and Katara Join Aung on An Adventure
    Aung was stuck in the iceberg for so long that he didn't know about the 100 year war between the Nations. Aung wanted to go back to the Northern Air Temple and show Saka and Katara to everyone. When he got there, nobody was home. Aung starts to walk around the temple when he see his training masters chain on a skull. Aung gets mad and starts to "fly". This makes everything around him start to "fly". Saka and Katara calmed Aung down and said to move on to another nation.
  • Saka and Katara and Aung are Rinding on Appa

    Saka and Katara and Aung are Rinding on Appa
    Saka is scared of being up so high on a fly bison and is holding on for dear life. On the other hand, Aung and Katara are talking and getting to know each other better. This is when Aung starts crushing on Katara. This is important because later on in the movie, this crush will save Katara's life.
  • Saka, Katara and Aung Run Into Firebenders

    Saka, Katara and Aung Run Into Firebenders
    Katara, Saka and Aung were all going on an adventure through the woods to find some civilization when they come across a fire nation camp. Saka and Aung start to walk the other way when Katara throws herself out into the camp to fight the fire nation. Saka and Aung turn around to help Katara. Eventually, after a long fight, they took out the fire nation.
  • Saka Gets Lost In the Woods

    Saka Gets Lost In the Woods
    Saka, Katara and Aung set up camp in the wood when they realized they had no food. Saka said he will go out into the woods to go find some food. Saka is searching for hours when he finally spots a bunny. Saka is chasing the bunny with a spear when the bunny gets away. Saka is mad that the bunny got away. When Saka was chasing the bunny, he got lost in the forest. Thankfully, he had a bison whistle on him. He called for Appa and he got back to the camp site safely.
  • Aung Learns Waterbending

    Aung Learns Waterbending
    Aung was trying to learn water bending on his own next to a creek.Since Katara is a water bender, she was able to help him. Katara was trying to show Aung some of the easy move to water bending. Aung was able to get those tricks super easily. Aung was trying to then show off to Katara. Katara was trying to do one of the hardest water bending moves. She wasn't the best water bender so she couldn't do it. But to no surprise, Aung did the trick first try.
  • Aung Meets Toph

    Aung Meets Toph
    Toph was a little blind girl that was known as one of the worlds best earth benders. Toph was getting done with a fighting match against an opponent when Aung challenged her. Since Toph was blind, she would use her feet to detect where objects were. Also, since Aung is an air bender, Toph couldn't hit him because of his fast movements. Eventually, Aung took down Toph and Toph decided to join their team to take down the Fire Lord.
  • Aung Learns Earth Bending

    Aung Learns Earth Bending
    Aung was not very good at earth bending because it's the polar opposite to air bending. Toph would try to show Aung how to earth bend but he just couldn't do it. Toph made a plan that there was a gaint badger mole that would chase Aung and the only way to defeat the mole would be to earth bend. Somehow this trick worked and Aung was able to earth bend. He wasn't good at earth bending but he was getting the hang of it.
  • Aung Learns Fire Bending

    Aung Learns Fire Bending
    Aung was on a journey to take down the Fire Lord and to learn to fire bend. The person who would teach him was the fire lords son, Prince Zuko. Prince Zuko hated his father and wanted to get revenge on him for killing his mother. He was able to teach Aung all about fire bending and Aung would soo master this skill. Aung for the next several moths would practice his bending skills to take down the Fire Lord.
  • The Fight Between Aung And The Fire Lord

    The Fight Between Aung And The Fire Lord
    Aung and the Fire Lord would finally meet. The intense battle would take place at the earth benders practice fields. This fight would last for several hours before Aung reaches his Avatar state. This Avatar state would let him control all 4 elements at once. But Aung realized something, he can't kill the Fire Lord. Aung would refuse to kill the Fire Lord but would stripe his bending away. Aung walks away in victory, and tells the Fire lord "I won't kill you, but there is a punishment".