trial and error
In 1885, America built its first incinerator on Governors Island, New York, but they were not largely used because of the cost, smell and toxic smoke. -
Around 1914, the horse drawn carts were replaced by covered, motorized trucks; and, just five years later, the rear loader truck made its debut. -
new rules
In 1945, approximately 100 cities in the U.S. had some sort of landfill after burning dumps were, for the most part, prohibited. In the 60s, the National Association of Waste Disposal Contractors formed and private hauling was born. -
waste disposal technology
Technology advancements allowed trucks to become larger, faster and safer. In the 90s, drivers began staying in their trucks, relying on powerful hydraulic arms and packers to collect the garbage. Residential trucks grab the garbage cart and toss the trash into the truck in one quick motion, then move on to the next house. Commercial trucks lift huge containers up and over to dump into the truck. This increased efficiency and profitability.