My Birth
This is when I was born -
My First Birthday
This is my first birthdy -
My Brothers Birth
This was when my brother was born. -
My Second Birthday
This was my second birthday -
Pre School
This was when I was in pre school -
My fith birthday
This is my cake when I had my fith birthday. -
Cambridge Primary School
This was when I went to cambridge primary school -
Goodwood Primary School
This is went I went to goodwood primary school. -
This was when I went to fiji with my family. -
Cruise ship
This is me and my brother on holidayon a cruise ship. -
My tenth birthday
This is my tenth birthday -
Trip to singapore to england
This is when me and my family went to england. -
Dad in hospital :(
This was when dad was in hospital -
Peppa put down :(
This was peppa just before she was put down -
New kittens, Tinka and Juno
this is Tinka and Juno -
Middle school
This was middle school