Autobio one

  • my first year 2008

    Born in Portland hospital London
    At 11 weeks went to mum and dad's Australian house in Middle Park for a couple of months to meet our grandparents and step siblings. Moved to Hong Kong after Christmas
  • 2009

    Started eating solid foods. Learned to crawl and walk
    Developed a habit of sucking my thumb when tired
    Mum used to take my brother and I to Kindergym
    We Mandarin classes when I was 10 months old
    We had a really big swimming pool in our apartment complex we lived in and we spent a lot of time in the water
    For our first birthday in July, Monique, Simon and James came to visit and we had a big party and then we had a holiday to Vietnam.
  • 2010

    March - left Hong Kong. Visited the Philippines en route to Australia. Had a holiday at our grandparents' farm near Ballarat in April when mum and dad went to Africa on safari.

    May - moved to Double Bay, Sydney. Lived right near the beach beside the ferry terminal. Played on the beach everyday.
    2nd birthday - July mum made us a car cake with black icing wheels. Next day our nappies were black. Mum was on the way to the doctor when she realised it was probably just the food colouring!
  • 2011

    Started 3 year old Kinder at the Third Bear in Rose Bay.
    Our favourite park was Lyne Park near the seaplane terminal. It had a great flying fox.
    We had a beautiful house with a big pool and views of the opera house and the harbour bridge.
    On New Years Eve I fell backwards out of the trampoline and split my head open on a concrete step. It really needed to be glued or stitched but the roads were so packed mum and dad couldn't take me to get patched up so now I have a scar!
  • 2012

    Easter - my big brothers and sister came up to stay. We had a massive Easter egg hunt.
    September - one of mum's discs collapsed in her back and she had to be on bed rest in hospital until my sister was born. My dad had to fly us down to Melbourne and we went back and forth between our grandparents houses in Colac and Ballan until Alexa was born. Mum needed an operation so Alexa had to be born 5 weeks early Melbourne Cup Day. We only saw mum once in October when dad took us to Sydney to visit.
  • 2013

    Moved to Power St Hawthorn in June
    Nanny and Grandad came to babysit and brought a lamb they were bottle feeding with them. It lived in the back yard!
    Joined a 4 year old kinder class at Hawthorn Early Years. Louie Zhang was in our class.
    It was really good living in the same city as my big brothers and sister because we got to see a lot of more of them.
    We had a pirate birthday party and we all dressed up as pirates.
    Skiing holiday to Mt Buller and the Gold Coast theme parks.
  • 2014

    Started school at Glenferrie primary. Miss Baker was my teacher. My twin brother and I were in the same class.
    Started practising karate at Paragon Karate School.
    I made my first best friend at school, her name was Danielle. We still write to each other and see each other on the street in Hawthorn sometimes.
    Had a holiday to Palm Beach in Queensland.
  • 2015

    In January we went skiing in Japan. My oldest brother James broke his leg really badly.
    Year 1 - I had Miss Baker, the same teacher I had for Prep. Zach wasn't in my class anymore.
    I got Bodhi my dog for my 7th birthday. He is the best present ever.
  • 2016

    My last year at Glenferrie Primary. I was in a composite Year1/2 class. And I had two teachers Miss Boyle (Mon-Wed) and Miss Parlour (Wed-Fri).
    In April we moved to Chrystobel Crescent Hawthorn.
    In July we had a birthday party with our class at Billy Lids.
  • 2017

    Started at Scotch in Year 3 with 4 other new boys including my twin brother. I really enjoyed all our visits to Healesville.
    Began learning the guitar.
    Mum got breast cancer in April. And it was a bit scary. She also had to have another operation on her spine that has left her right leg paralysed. So grandma had to move in with us and look after us for several months.
    We went to Noosa for the September holidays and rented a boat and drove around the river.
  • 2018

    Year 4 at Scotch. I loved our first excursion to Funfields. I had a male teacher (Mr Marr) for the first time ever. I got to be Class Captain in Term 4.
    My baby sister started Prep at MLC.
    I started learning the French Horn and doing Science at school. I played soccer for Collingwood City FC.
    Nanny and Grandad took us to Sovereign Hill for our birthday.
    We went to Noosa again for the September holidays and I tried kayaking and stand up paddle boarding for the first time and loved them both.