Key People: "Autism" is coined
Eugen Bleuler coined the word "Autism" to refer to schizophrenic patients. -
Key People: Dr. Leo Kanner Publishes Paper
Dr. Leo Kanner (child psychiatrist) publishes a paper which described 11 intelligent children who needed "aloneness" and "sameness" -
Key People: Asperger's Syndrome
Hans Asperger described Asperger's Syndrome as a milder form of Autism. -
Key People/Causes: Refrigerator Mothers
Bruno Bettelheim explained his theory of "refrigerator mothers", or mothers who caused Autism because they did not love their children enough. -
Key People: Bernard Rimland
Rimland disagreed with Bettelheim and published "Infantile Autism: The Syndrome and its Implications for a Neural Theory of Behavior". -
Prevalence: 1 in 2000
1 in 2000 children were diagnosed with Autism in the 1970's and 1980's. -
Key People/Treatments: TEACCH-Eric Schopler
TEACCH was created as a result of Eric Schopler's child research project. He was made co-director in 1972, and director from 1976-1992. The TEACCH program still assists with Autism education, research, and treatment. -
Causes: Twin Studies
Research focused on twins determined that Autism is genetic. -
Treatments: Autism Separated from Schizophrenia
Autism was separated from childhood Schizophrenia, and "Infantile Autism" was placed in the DSM. -
Treatments: Erica Foundation
The Erica Foundation began providing therapy for children with Autism. -
Key People: Lorna Wing-Wing's Triad
Lorna Wing and Christopher Gillberg found the Wing's Triad of disturbed mutual contact, disturbed mutual communication, and limited imagination. -
Key People/Treatments: Ole Ivar Lovaas-ABA Therapy
Ole Ivar Lovaas studied behavioral analysis and treatment for children with Autism. He worked with children under 5 years old, using home treatment, with 40 hour therapy times. -
Treatments: Infantile Autism --> Autism Disorder
In the DSM, "Infantile Autism" became "Autism Disorder". -
Key People: Lorna Wing-Square
Lorna Wing's Triad became a Square with the addition of "limited planning ability". -
Treatments: Special Education
Autism becomes a special education category in the public schools, and children with Autism started receiving services. -
Treatments: Asperger's Syndrome in DSM
Asperger's Syndrome was added to the DSM. -
Causes: Belief that MMR Caused Autism
A study published in "The Lancet" explained that the Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine caused Autism. This was soon determined to be fraudulent. -
Causes: Thimerosal Removed from Vaccines
Thimerosal was removed from childhood vaccines because the public believed it caused Autism. Research quickly proved this to be incorrect. -
Prevalence: 1 in 150
According to the CDC, 1 in 150 children were diagnosed with Autism. -
Prevalence: 1 in 110
According to the CDC, 1 in 110 children were diagnosed with Autism. -
Treatments: DSM-V
DSM-V puts all levels of Autism under "Autism Spectrum Disorders". Asperger's Syndrome was no longer considered a separate disorder.