"Autism" is born
Eugen Bleuler coined the word "autism" in 1908 among severely withdrawn schizophrenic patients -
BF Skinner Sets the Foundation for Autism Treatment
Autism treated using Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). B.F. Skinner, known as the grandfather of ABA, sets the foundation with Operant Conditioning and the concept of Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence theory (ABCs). ABC= behavior is followed by a trigger which then results in either a positive or negative result (consequence). This lead to discovering reasons behind engagement in certain behaviors.
https://www.familyeducation.com/life/autism-treatments/applied-behavior-analysis-aba-treatment-asd -
Autism in Context-Defined
In 1943 American child psychiatrist Leo Kanner studied 11 children. The children had features of difficulties in social interactions, difficulty in adapting to changes in routines, good memory, sensitivity to stimuli (especially sound), resistance and allergies to food, good intellectual potential, echolalia or propensity to repeat words of the speaker and difficulties in spontaneous activity.
http://www.news-medical.net/health/Autism-History.aspx -
Asperger's Syndrome
In 1944 Hans Asperger, working separately, studied a group of children. His children also resembled Kanner’s descriptions. The children he studied, however, did not have echolalia as a linguistic problem but spoke like grownups. He also mentioned that many of the children were clumsy and different from normal children in terms of fine motor skills. His work was later translated into English in the 1980s to become more widely known in the United States. -
What could be the cause?
Bruno Bettelheim studied the effect of three therapy sessions with children who he called autistic. He claimed that the problem in the children was due to coldness of their mothers. He separated the children from their parents. Kanner and Bettelheim both worked towards making hypothesis that showed autistic children had frigid mothers -
Rimland challenges Bettelheim
Bernard Rimland was a psychologist and parent of a child with autism. He disagreed with Bettelheim. He did not agree that the cause of his son’s autism was due to either his or his wife’s parenting skills. In 1964, Bernard Rimland published, Infantile Autism: The Syndrome and its Implications for a Neural Theory of Behavior. -
Autism Research Takes Off
It was in the 1980’s that research on autism gained momentum, while more people adopted the idea that autism was not due to parental treatment, but rather nature took over in this diagnosis. It was believed that neurological disturbances like tuberous sclerosis, metabolic disturbances like PKU or chromosomal abnormalities like fragile X syndrome, contributed to the diagnosis of Autism. -
Cause to Autism Found! Maybe?
1998 - Vaccines began to be blamed by UK psychologist Andrew Wakefield, as causing autism. This lead to many parents' refusal to vaccinate their children and many instances of outbreak of previously extinguished diseases to reappear in modern day. -
Autism Speaks in Founded
Autism Speaks is a foundation that supports the awareness and advocation for those with Autism Spectrum Disorder. They raise money towards research with annual walks and celebrate Autism during the Autism Awareness Month every April. -
Andrew Wakefield's Findings found as Fraudulent!
2010 - The paper which led to the rise of the MMR vaccine controversy was retracted, having been proven fraudulent. Wakefield was forced to stop practicing psychology and his license was revoked as he fabricated and exaggerated much of his "data." -
Temple Grandin is a Badass
2010- Temple Grandin a woman with Autism released a documentary about her experience living with the diagnosis and growing up to become an advocate for those with Autism. This film later went on to win an Emmy award.
http://www.templegrandin.com -
Today, thanks to the advancements in research and awareness brought upon by not scientists, but also by those with ASD, we now know that Autism is a diagnosis brought upon by some type of genetic mutation, but many mysteries still exist. Educational programs, curriculum and therapy plans were put in place for those in need of treatment and support. Resources are also at an all time high for individuals with Autism and their families for financial, educational, emotional and behavioral support.