Authentic Art Education

By Mel H
  • Immigration to the USA

    Immigration to the USA
    Immigration to the United States 1851-1900. Majority of immigrants were from Germany, Ireland and Ireland enter in the U.S.A. via Ellis Island. Once settled there was not enough jobs and it created social tension. Newcomers transformed the American culture and society.
  • John Dewey

    John Dewey
    John Dewey was a progressive leader in Education.
    Pragmatism was an approach that human's learn through doing things with their hands.
  • 1910: 14% of Americans completed High School

  • Progressive Education Movement

    Democracy through social and cultural uplift. Language barriers of new immigrant families existed, taxes increased.
  • Jazz Age: The Roaring 20's / Harlem Renaissance

    Jazz Age: The Roaring 20's / Harlem Renaissance
    Louis Armstrong, cutting-edge products, washing machines, more people lived in the city than farms. Large number of migrates came from the south to the north: Great Migration. W.E.B. DuBois first African American to earn a Ph.D from Harvard University in 1895
  • 1930 Social Art Reform

    Social Reconstruction between the 2 world wars lead to art programs for students to improve their social environment. Making of Landscapes, decorating shop windows and creating labels for goods also came into play. Expressive art expressing your inner feeling into the art world as therapeutic art.
  • WPA

    Started in 1934-1943 hired hundreds of artists that collectively made 100,000 paintings and murals, 18,000 sculptures in 48 states, to bring morale up in the citizen of the U.S.A.
  • Seymour Fogel "Untitled" 1936

    Seymour Fogel "Untitled" 1936
    Seymour Fogel worked with Diego Rivera in New York. Fogel went on tho paint approximately 20 public murals for the Works Progress Administration Federal Art Project.
  • World War 2 and Education

    World War 2 and Education
    Global Conflict 1939-1945 Many students had to leave school to fight in the war or get jobs. Students sold war bonds and collecting scrap metal.
  • "Art Education Today" journal

    Instead of focusing on wartime subject matter in school, some believed art should be used as a psychological escape. Mental relaxation lead people to think about the beauty around them. This was to support American democracy and Western culture. The U.S. school art was to facilitate understanding between nations and promote future peace. A belief rose believing tension could be averted through the study of the art of other nations.
  • Victor D'Amico editor of Art education Today

    Victor D'Amico editor of Art education Today
    "promote the creative arts during the war period, to make them function in the changing contemporary world, and to plan for their increased importance and usefulness in the reconstruction to come"
  • Book:The unfolding of artistic activity: Its basis, processes, and implications

    Book:The unfolding of artistic activity: Its basis, processes, and implications
    With an intro by John Dewey, Henry Schaeffer-Simmern introduced thought provoking book on how art is crucial to human development.
  • propaganda 1950

    propaganda 1950
    The use of art to influence public opinion in political or government policies. Testing of the atom bombs and Cuban Missile Crisis.
  • Segregation in schools ENDED

    Brown v Board of Education: suit of 1951 won in 1954 Supreme court declares segregation was unconstitutional.
  • 1960's Massive Changes

    Teaching methods began to change from rote memorization to more hands-on learning. Head Start started. New innovative and engaging approaches to education started. Students were encouraged to critical thinking and problem solving. The 1960's saw a rise of counterculture and hippie movement, challenging traditional norms and values. The movement focused on love and peace. New aws supporting the disabilities in schools.
  • 1984 Discipline based Art Education

    Based on four foundation disciplines: Art production, Art Criticism, Art History, and Aesthetics
  • 1995 Visual Thinking Skills

    Inquiry-based teaching strategies to encourage students to observe independently and to back up their comments with thought provoking ideas.
  • 2002 Visual Culture

    Visual culture is a way of studying the world and its relations through means of art history, humanities, science and social sciences. The culture of the 21st century is extremely visual.
  • 2018 Immigration to the U.S.

    In 2018 roughly 11 million immigrants from Mexico, China, India and the Philippines.
  • 2021 Immigrants to U.S.A.

    2.7 million Indian immigrants living in the United States
  • Authentic Art Education

    Cultural Awareness: Students are exploring various art forms about different cultures through art and becoming cultural aware. Being aware of different cultures helps students tolerant others and their differences.