
Australian Timeline

  • 1606-European Exploration: Dutch

    1606-European Exploration: Dutch
    The Dutch explored Australia in 1606. They did it because were attacked by the Aborigines.
  • 1770-European Exploration : British

    1770-European Exploration : British
    Captain James Cook sailed around Australia. He also
    named the area New South Wales.
  • 1778-British Pioneers

    1778-British Pioneers
    British pioneers settled in Australia.
  • 1787-British Ships

    1787-British Ships
    British ships called the “First Fleet” left England with convicts to establish a prison colony.
  • 1788-1832-New South Wales

    1788-1832-New South Wales
    In 1788 to 1832, New South Wales was officially a prison. British transported prisoners to Australia not until 1868.
  • 1833-1850: Port Arthur, Tasmania

    1833-1850: Port Arthur, Tasmania
    From 1833, until the 1850's, it was the destination for the hardest of convicted British and Irish criminals.
  • 1861-Commonwealth of Australia

    1861-Commonwealth of Australia
    Government officials created boundaries for the colonies.
  • 1986-1999-Australia today

    1986-1999-Australia today
    In 1986, the Australian Act was passed. And in 1999, 55% of the rejecters voted being Independent
  • 1901-1967

    January 1, 1901, The Commonwealth of Australia was established. Commonwealth of Australia was established in 1927.Immigration Restriction Act of 1901 was also established. In 1967, federal government began to pass legislation to help the Aborigines.