The Hohenzollerns and The Habsburgs
were the two families that rose to be absolute monarchs during the thirty year war. (1618 - 1648) -
The cost of the 30 year war
-the population of Germany went 30% down
-50% of the males died
-Expulsion reduced the population another 30%
-Religion was the cause of the war
-The war started with The Holy Roman Empire -
The Holy Roman Empire
-A patch of quilt of small countries with different languages, customs and geography.
-Ruled by princes and kings
-Seven “ electors” would choose the Emperor
-Under the Treaty of Trent all of these had the princes choose the religion of the country -
Religion Tolerance
- Ferdinand I even allowed communion to be done in both the Protestant and Catholic way. -Ferdinand II took over after his cousin died. -Ferdinand sent Catholic nobles into Protestant city of Prague. -The Protestant responded by tossing Ferdinand II’s nobles out the window
Consequences of the Defenestration
-Massive death
-Both sides sought allies to help them -
Thirty Year War
- A local conflict ended up being massive war dragging in every European power -Spain sent troops -Denmark sent troops -Sweden sent troops -France sent troops -England sent troops -Peace in 1648 -France won gaining the territory on it’s Spanish and German frontiers -The Habsburg lost the war -Habsburg Austria changes its focus
Habsburg Rule
-Would send German speaking officials and settled Austrians on the land of other people
-They didn’t developed a centralized system like France
-In 1739: There is no son to take over the throne
-Charles VI had no living son
-He had a daughter Maria Theresa
-Maria Theresa becomes Empress
-Maria Theresa gets married
-Maria Theresa had 16 childrens -
Habsburg Rule #2
-She rebuilded the army
-Started some education reforms
-Reformed tax codes
-Expelled Jews from some of her lands
-Maria Theresa died in 1780
-Son Joseph II took over
-Her youngest daughter became Queen Marie Antoinette in France -
Hohenzollern rule in Prussia -
Frederick William I (1713)
Had a bad temper
Kick women in the street -
Sophia Dorothea of Hanover
Daughter of King George I of England -
Frederick the Great
-Father wanted him to be soldier
-Wanted to write poetry
-Felt like had to escape from father
-He agreed to marry his father’s choice of a bride
-Becomes king of Prussia in 1740
-Brilliant military leader -
Frederick the Great #2
-Military tactics
-Made Prussia into military power and of the Great Nations in Europe
-Built the Prussian economy into self- sufficient
-Religion toleration
-He spoke french, english, spanish, portuguese, italian
-Death: 1786 -
Frederick’s Successor: Frederick William II
-Interested in pleasure
-Enforced religion edict
-Cooperated with the Holy Roman emperor Leopold II