
Australian Timeline7

  • Dutch sails to Australia

    Dutch sails to Australia
    The first Europeans were Dutch, the Netherlands, but they didn't settle there.
  • Captain James Cook Sailed around Australia

    Captain James Cook Sailed around Australia
    Cook called the place New South Wales and
    ignored the Aborigines living there & took the area for England.
  • "First Fleet"

    "First Fleet"
    British ships called the “First Fleet” left England with intentions to establish a prison in Australia.
  • Prisoners in Australia

    Prisoners in Australia
    British prisoners were moved to Australia in 1788 on the first fleet.
  • Remnants moved to Reserves

    Remnants moved to Reserves
    Remnants of tribes were moved to reserves, they were forbidden from teaching their children their languages or their customs.
  • British stops importing prisoners to Australia

    British stops importing prisoners to Australia
    New South Wales was a prison colony and they finally stopped to import prisoners in 1868
  • Commonwealth of Australia

    Commonwealth of Australia
    On January 1, 1901: The Commonwealth of Australia was made.
  • Aborigines get help!

    Aborigines get help!
    The federal government started to pass some laws to help the Aborigines.
  • Australia Act

    Australia Act
    All the legal ties with British Empire were severed!
  • 55% of people in Australia don't want independent republic

    55% of people in Australia don't want independent republic
    In 1999 55% of people voted that they do not want Australia to become a independent republic