first fleet lands in sydney cove
Catholic settlers in Parramatta petition Governor Phillip for a chaplin
First official public Mass is held under strict Government supervision and is celebrated by prisoner priest, Fr Dixon
Fr Therry founds the first Catholic school on Hunter Street, Parramatta
Fr Daniel Power lands in Sydney to replace Fr Therry as official chaplain to the growing colony. Hardworking Fr Therry moves to Parramata and remains a chief influence among Sydney's Catholics
Fr Power dies
St Mary's Chapel finally completed. Fr Therry celebrates the first Mass there. Fr William Ullalthorne arrives in Sydney to take over as the colony's first Vicar General
Transportation of convicts to New South Wales is suspended
Fr John Brady consecrated as Bishop of Perth and moves from Windsor to Western Australia
Arrival of the Jesuits in Sydney
Death of Mother Mary MacKillop
Formation of the Catholic Teachers' Federation
Catholic Weekly prints its first issue
Pope John Paul II visits Australia.
The two spires of St Mary's Cathedral are finally completed