Robert Hawke is elected.
Labor under the Prime Minister Bob Hawke retained governement. -
Paul Keating is Elected
IN an exchange of Labor party leadership, Paul Keating became prime minister, succeeding Bob HAwke, who left parliament on 2o Febrauary 1992 after 12 years representing the seat of Wills. -
John Howard Elected.
The first Coalition government for 13 years was sworn in, with John Howard as Prime MInister. -
Kevin Rudd ELected
Ministers of the new Labor government led by Kevin Rudd, with Julia Gillard as Australia's first female deputy Prime Minister, sworn in by the Governement General. -
Julai Gillard Elected
After the closest year since 1961 produces a hung Parliament, intense negotiations enable Labor to form a minority gorvernment with the support of four cross-bench Memebers. Pm Website