
Australian migration

By m@x420
  • German migrants

    German migrants
    The Germans arrived in South Australia in 1838. They made wine vineyards which many of the colonists did not know how to.
  • Afgan cameleers

    Afgan cameleers
    In 1838 the Afghan cameleers came to Australia to bring there camels to the suitable environments of Western Australia. They started a trade were they would haul loads of cargo from Darwin to Adelaide and there buisness was booming.
  • Chinese Gold miners

    Chinese Gold miners
    In the 1850s many Chinese settlers came to Australia to mine for the newly found gold in NSW and VIC. They were very successful working in shifts and working hard and many white people became jealous of them. Riots broke out gold was stolen from the Chinese and many were killed or injured this led to racism and law being put against them.
  • Japanese pearl divers

    Japanese pearl divers
    In 1888 Japanese divers moved to Australia looking for profit. They moved to broom at the top of Western Australia. With warm climates means more reef and clams! They quickly started to make lots of money due to there new pear industry. They sold jewellery and many other products.