
Australian History

  • Enclosureacts began in Britain

    Enclosureacts began in Britain
  • steamed powered machinery was invented, industrial revolution began

    steamed powered machinery was invented, industrial revolution began
  • Captain James Cook charts the east coast in his ship

    Captain James Cook charts the east coast in his ship
  • convicts stopped being sent over seas to America

    convicts stopped being sent over seas to America
  • house of commons decided NSW was suitable as a peenal colony.

    house of commons decided NSW was suitable as a peenal colony.
  • Captain Aurther Phillip was chosen to lead the first fleet.

    Captain Aurther Phillip was chosen to lead the first fleet.
  • The first fleet left on the 13th of May

    The first fleet left on the 13th of May
  • Arthur Phillip was governor of the peenal colony

    Arthur Phillip was governor of the peenal colony
  • two more fleets arrived

    two more fleets arrived
  • huge growth in population, povetty

    huge growth in population, povetty
  • Governor Lachlan Macgurie arrived, Construction of roads and buildings began

    Governor Lachlan Macgurie arrived, Construction of roads and buildings began
  • federation was created

    federation was created
  • australian split into 6 colonies

    australian split into 6 colonies