Australian History

By MattTun
  • VIC Announces for Support of Federation

    VIC Announces for Support of Federation
    Victoria calls out that they would support the idea of federation. But NSW didn’t want to do this because it would leave at second no first in terms of economy and money.
  • The Bulletin Creation

    The Bulletin Creation
    The Bulletin is known as the ‘bushman bible’ because loads of these writers were bushrangers such as Henry Lawson, Banjo Patterson, Miles Franklin and Norman Lindsay.
  • Support from British

    Support from British
    In this year the Germans and British had discussed about an expansion of the colonies, but the queen had disallowed this, letting the Germans move in. The queen had sent a message saying, “if you want to expand federate.”
  • Completion of Syd to Melb Railway Line

    Completion of Syd to Melb Railway Line
    Many people went to the railway line, to celebrate the completion of the railway line. One trouble was that the Australian colonies had adopted different width railway lines, making passengers have to switch trains to continue the journey.
  • Victorian Employees Union Formed

    Victorian Employees Union Formed
    Victorian Employees Union Formed to organise labour throughout Victoria.
  • Sir Henry Parkes Meeting

    Sir Henry Parkes Meeting
    On this day, Henry Parkes met up with lord Carrington, with him saying that he could make the continent Federate in 12 months.
  • Henry Parkes Speech

    Henry Parkes Speech
    Henry Parkes gave his speech in a small town called Tenterfield. It was about Australia's colonies to unite and federate into one nation.
  • Draft of Constitution

    Draft of Constitution
    The first Constitutional Convention was attended by delegates appointed by the colonial parliaments. Politicians from the colonies were reluctant to give up any power to a Federal Government. Queensland Premier Sir Samuel Griffith, South Australian Premier Charles Kingston and New South Wales delegate Edmund Barton sailed away over the Easter weekend to write the Constitution. A pre-draft Constitution prepared by Tasmanian delegate Andrew Inglis Clark was used as a starting point.
  • Corowa Conference

    Corowa Conference
    The Corowa conference was the meeting of the federationists. It this meeting it debate federation should have happened in Australia. It had brought together NSW, Victoria and South Australia.
  • Australia’s First Olympian

    Australia’s First Olympian
    The first Australian Olympian was Edwin Flack. He was an accountant, who was an Australian champion runner. He won the 800m and the 1500m.
  • Bubonic Plague

    Bubonic Plague
    It was the case of the black plagues, which was one of the most deadliest plagues in the world.
  • Commonwealth of Australia

    Commonwealth of Australia
    Inauguration of the Commonweath of Australia, which made it become an independent nation when the British Parliament passed a legislation.
  • Australia's First Life Saving Club

    Australia's First Life Saving Club
    The first lifesaving club was founded on Bondi Beach in February. After that other life saving clubs were established.
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  • First Anzac Day

    First Anzac Day
    This was the first every commemoration to commemorate the Anzacs who fought in the First World War.
  • Qantas Established

    Qantas Established
    On this day, Australia’s national airline Qantas was established.
  • Parliament in Canberra

    Parliament in Canberra
    King George IV opened the parliament into the capital city (Canberra)
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression, which began in the United States in 1929 and spread worldwide, was the longest and most severe economic downturn in modern history. It lasted until about 1939. During this period, there were steep declines in industrial production, deflation (falling prices), mass unemployment, banking panics, and sharp increases in rates of poverty and homelessness12. Unemployment reached 25 percent, and more than 5,000 banks went out of business
  • Sydney Harbour Bridge Open

    Sydney Harbour Bridge Open
    One this day the iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge was open after being built by 1600 people.
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  • WWII Conscription

    WWII Conscription
    On this day conscriptions we’re used because Australia was an young country.
  • Gold Rush

    Gold Rush
    During the Australian gold rushes, starting in 1851, significant numbers of workers moved from elsewhere in Australia and overseas to where gold had been discovered.
  • Indigenous Australians right to vote

    Indigenous Australians right to vote
    On this day after many protesting, Indigenous Australians were given the right to participate in Australian voting.
  • Sydney Opera House

    Sydney Opera House
    On this day the Sydney Opera Hpuse was open after many months of construction.
  • National Apology

    National Apology
    On this day Australian people apologised to the Indigenous people of Australia, after the stolen generation.
  • First Female Prime Minister

    First Female Prime Minister
    The first female’s prime minister name was Julia Gillard.