
Australian History 1750 - 1918

  • The beginning of Industrial Revolution

    The beginning of Industrial Revolution
  • Period: to

    Australian History

  • James Cook arrives in Terra Australis

    James Cook arrives in Terra Australis
    Captain James cook (7 November 1728 – 14 February 1779) was a British explorer, cartographer and navigator. He is well known in Australia for being the first European to achieve contact with the eastern coastline of Australia. In 1770 Cook arrived by boat in Botany Bay, Sydney.
  • The First Fleet arrived

    The First Fleet arrived
    Between 1778 and 1850, 806 ships of convicts were shipped to Australia from England. The first 11 of these ships are now known as “The First Fleet”. The fleet consisted of three store ships, six convict ships, two men o-war ships with a total of 756 convicts.
  • Tasmania was declared an island

    Tasmania was declared an island
    This was proven by Mathew Flinders and George Bass when they sailed around Tasmania this was important to know that there was an island to the south of Australia because lots of ships trying to sail to Melbourne landed on the rocks of Tasmanias west coast lots of shipwrecks have been here and on both King and Flinders island.
  • Flinders Circumnavigates around Australia

    Matthew Flinders was a navigator that sailed around the coast of Australia and was the first of many navigators to map the “unknown land”.The unknown land’s chart was complete in 1803 by governor King, However, it was not published because Flinders had not named most of the land marks and inlets. He had numeberd them in order so that he could name them later. He didn’t. However, the few land marks that were named are Mt. Lofty, Cape Catastrophe, Memory Cove and Kangaroo island.
  • New Holland was renamed to be Australia

    New Holland was renamed to be Australia
  • Australia's first Bank (now Westpac)

    Australia's first Bank (now Westpac)
    Australia’s first bank was established in 1817, as the Bank of New South Wales, under a charter of incorporation provided by Governor Lachlan Macquarie. In 1982 the name was then change to the bank we know today, Westpac Banking Corporation. Westpac helped to shape all banking in Australia.
  • Sun Herald first published Australia's Newspaper (now Sydney Morning Herald)

  • Port Arthur Is colonised

    Port Arthur Is colonised
  • First Australian University

  • Beginning of Gold Rush

    Beginning of Gold Rush
    In 1851 the Great Australian Gold Rush started when prospector Edward Hammond Hargraves claimed to have discovered a “grain of gold” in a waterhole near Bathurst, New South Wales. Hargraves named the town where he found the gold “Ophir”, reported his discovery to the authorities and was appointed a “Commissioner of Land”. During the Gold Rush period thousands of people rushed to Australia in search of gold. The Gold Rush ended in 1861.
  • Last Convicts shipped to Tasmania

  • First AFL Game played

  • Burke and Wills set off on their unsuccessful journey

    Burke and Wills set off on their unsuccessful journey
    The Burke and Wills Expedition was originally called the Victorian Exploring Expedition and its aim was to cross the continent of Australia from Melbourne on the south coast to the north coast, which at the time was uninhabited by the migaloo (white-fella). No one had done this before, and to the Victorian colonists the centre of the continent was unknown, unmapped and unexplored.
  • Ned Kelly is hanged

    Ned Kelly is hanged
    Edward (Ned) Kelly is Australia’s own Robin Hood. He was a ranger of the Australian outback, sentenced to jail many times. One of which was a 3 year sentence for receiving a stolen horse that he had no idea was stolen. On June 27th 1880, the Kelly gang attacked Glenrowan, they forced the railway workers to rip up the line and cut all the telegraph wires. Many hostages were taken during the day.
  • The start of the De Boer

  • Australia becomes a Federation

  • Mawson reaches the south magnetic pole

    Mawson reaches the south magnetic pole
  • Australian Army was founded

  • WW1 begins

    WWI began when Britain and Germany went to war in August 1918. With a population of only 5 million, 146809 men enlisted, 60,000 men died and 156,000 men were wounded.