Australian federation time line

By Allera
  • Australian Federation

    29 September Governor FitzRoy of New South Wales in a despatch suggested the need for a 'central intercolonial authority'
  • Australian federation

    Select Committees in New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia held to discuss the possibility of a federal union
  • Australian Federation

    Henry Parkes proposed a Federal Council to consider matters of joint interest to the Australasian Colonies
  • Australian Federation

    Premiers Conference in Hobart agreed to a second Constitutional Convention with elected delegates from each colony
  • Australian Federation

    The first meeting of the Federal Council in Hobart. Representatives from Western Australia, Fiji, Queensland, Tasmania, and Victoria attended. New South Wales refused to join
  • Australian federation

    Major-General Sir J. Bevan Edwards reported on the defense of the Australian Colonies. 24 October Sir Henry Parkes made a speech at Tenterfield calling for a great national government for all of Australia'
  • Australian Federation

    27 April Death of Sir Henry Parkes
    November People's Federal Convention held in Bathurst
  • Australian Federation

    20 January-17 March Third Session of The Second National Australasian Convention adopted a draft constitution.
    3 June New South Wales referendum failed to reach the statutory minimum
  • Australian Federation

    In March, Australian delegates went to London to negotiate the enactment of the Constitution.
    June–July Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act is passed by British Parliament.
    9 July Queen Victoria gave the Royal Assent to the aforementioned Act
    31 July Western Australia joined the Federation after a Yes vote in the referendum.
    On 21 September Lord Hopetoun was officially appointed as Governor-General of Australia.
  • Australian federation

    24-27 January Last meeting of the Federal Council of Australasia was held.
    In 29 January-2 February 'Secret' Premiers meeting in Melbourne agreed to six amendments to the Constitution Bill including that the site of the Capital be in New South Wales, but not within 100 miles of Sydney.
    April-September New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania & Queensland voted 'Yes' in referenda. Only Western Australia refrained.
  • Australian Federation

    Australian Federation
    Australia was formed on 1 January 1901, when the British Parliament passed legislation enabling the six Australian colonies to govern in their own right as the Commonwealth of Australia.