Australian Federation

By smaione
  • 13 May 1787

    13 May 1787
    On ccc, the First Fleet led by Captain Arthur Phillip founded the first British settlement in Australian history as a penal colony. Having set sail on 13 May 1787, Captain Arthur Phillip assumed the role of governor of the settlement upon arrival, until 1792.
  • 1 June 1829

    1 June 1829
    1 June 1829, Western Australia was founded. The word Australia was used in the name because it was on the Western side of Australia. Western Australia was named by Edmund Lockyer.
  • 28th December, 1836

    28th December, 1836
    28th December, 1836
    The province of South Australia was proclaimed and surveyor general light was sent to St Vincent Gulf where he established Adelaide as the capital city and surveyed the surrounding area.
    The city of Adelaide was named after Queen Adelaide, the consort of King William the 4th of England.
  • 1847

    Britain's colonial secretary, Earl Grey, Proposed a federal system for Australia With a federal general assembly responsible for tariffs and customs duties but abandoned his proposal when they aroused his opposition in the colonies. The federal clauses were struck out of The Australian Colonies Act in 1850, except that it authorised any two or more colonies to enter into a federal union.
  • 1 July 1851

    1 July 1851
    1 July 1851
    Victoria was formally proclaimed a Crown colony and was separate from new south wales. Agitation of the Port Phillip settlers continued and led to the establishment of Port Phillip being a separate colony. The British Act of Parliament separating Port Phillip from New South Wales, and naming the new colony Victoria after Queen Victoria.
  • 1853

    Constitutional Committee of NSW legislative Council recommended establishing a general assembly of the colonies. William Charles Wentworth Chaired the committee and recommended setting up a general assembly of the colonies to deal with tariffs, railways, gold licenses and lighthouse. The NSW legislative Council accepted the proposals but Victoria, Tasmania, and South Australia did not. That Made it impossible for the British government to accept.
  • February 1858

    February 1858
    February 1858
    Telegraph links were established between Adelaide, Melbourne, and Sydney. The telegraph was extended to Brisbane in 1861. The network fostered the growth of an intercolonial market and drew the colonies into a closer relationship.
  • 1863

    Intercolonial conference of treasures of NSW, Vic, SA and Tas. Promoted by the Tas government , the conference in Melbourne discussed forming a customs union but failed to reach agreement and disputes over customs duties continued. They continued particularly between NSW and Vic.
  • 1877

    Cricket team from Victoria and NSW defeated Britain in first cricket test. Completion of telegraph link from Adelaide to Perth connected all Colonies. Via Overland telegraph line connected them with Europe. National Reform and Protection League, advocating high tariffs and land taxes. They held the first "Monster meeting" in Melbourne.
  • 1883

    The final (and successful) push for the Federal Council came at a conference in 1883, called to debate the strategies needed to counter the activities of the German and French in New Guinea and in New Hebrides . Sir Samuel Griffith, the Premier of Queensland, drafted a bill to constitute the Federal Council.
  • 25th January 1886

    25th January 1886
    25th January 1886
    The federal Council of Australasia met for the first time in Hobart. The first assembly of the Federal Council took place on 25 January 1886 in Hobart, Tasmania, and consisted of representatives of the self-governing colonies of Queensland, Tasmania and Victoria, and the Crown colonies of Western Australia and Fiji were involved. New South Wales and New Zealand did not join the Federal Council. South Australia was a member between 1888 and 1890.
  • Period: to

    22nd March - 23rd April 1887

    22nd March - 23rd April 1887
    Delegates from five colonies attend the first session of National Australasian convention held in Adelaide The SA premier Kingston was elected president and Barton was leader of convention. They framed a constitution and as a bill for enactment by the British parliament. They built on principles moved by Barton and used the draft constitution.
  • 9th may 1901

    9th may 1901
    9th may 1901
    Duke of York opened the first federal parliament in the Exabition building in Melbourne. Federal parliament met in Melbourne's parliament house until 1927. In 1901 there were eight departments. Prime minister, attorney general, external affairs, post-master general, Trade and customs, Home affairs, Treasury and defence altogether with sub-offices such as Crown solicitor's. electoral and Auditor-General's