Australian Federation

  • Period: to

    Australian Federation

  • Australian federation

    Six British colonies the laws were made by the British parlement
  • Australian Federation

    In 1860 there were six British colonies
  • Australian Federation

    gold was Discovered in Gympie ( Queensland)
  • Australian Federation

    telephones linking colonies they began celebrating the idea of being Australian in songs and dance
  • Australian Federation

    On January 1881 a inter coloniel meeting was held in sydney to talk about customs Duties
  • Auastralian Feeration

    The idea of Federation Was becoming more popular
  • Australian Federation

    There was a convention to discuss Federation with Premiers and
    representitive of new Zealand and Melbourne
  • Australian Federation

    Another convention was held in Sydney
  • Australian Federation

    Began to work on Australian Constitution and looked at those from Great Britain, the united states Canada and Switziland
  • Australian Federatin

    Conferance was held for pro-Federation groups
    Redrafting Constitution allow Australian to vote on whether they agree with the Constitution
  • Australian Federation

    There was a Australasian convention to meet to review constitution
    Queensland did not send Representitives
  • Australian Federation

    A referendum was held to vote on the constitution
    Queensland and Western Australiadid not participate New south wales did not approve it
  • Australian Federation

    The premiers revise the Constitution to meet concerns of the three colonies
  • Australian Federation

    The fate of federation (Sir Henry Parks) made a famous speech at tenterfield supporting the idea of federation
  • Australian Federation

    on the 1st of January 1901 Australia became its own country
  • Australian Federation

    on the 29th and on the 30th the commen wealth elections your held
  • Australian Federation

    The first offical coat of arms of Australia was allowed by a Royal warrant by King Edward the vII in 1908
  • Australian Federation

    In 1911 Douglas Mawson launched and expedition to the Antarctic
  • Australian Federation

    The first parliment was opend on the 9th of may 1927 at 12pm
    in the exhibition in Melbourne
  • Australian Federation

    in 1953 the Australian flag officially adopted as te national flag